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No#2 FC defeats #1 Cox Falcons score 4-3!!! I am still scratching my head about the Falcons choice of pitchers . I have no clue who they were. And was it due to injuries that The Falcons no 1 and 2 starters were not available?
Kudos to the Senior leaders Blake Boyce and Trevor Hinson who set the tone for this game!!! And kudos for Coach Stubbe and staff who had a game plan that made the team successful!!
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No injuries. I think the staff felt that this game was not worth throwing Salter on a shortened week and risking his health going into the postseason (Mattes threw on Tuesday). Surprised that you didn't know who Chase Kyriacou is. He's our starting RF and with a BA well over .400 and one of the strongest OF arms around, he should be a first team All-District player this year. Outside of a couple of mistake pitches to Blake and Trevor when ahead in the count, Chase did a great did Brian Sagedy in relief.
chris-- i respectfully submit that all beach team is a tough one to make by sheer math

11 schools and basically 12 spots on first and second teams each---- there is always about 2-4 guys in the mix for top spots--- very tough for one school to get more than 2-3 guys on the first team or so it seems

11 coaches make for it to be very tough to get consensus and feel like top teams in district will be very well represented

just my opinion
I agree and am well aware of the politics involved. Still, I stand by my statement that, as of right now, he SHOULD be a 1st teamer. The only reason he's not in CF for us is because we have hands down the best defensive CF in the District in Kyle Profilet holding down that spot. It may not happen, but in my very biased opinion, I see Cox with at least 5 on the 1st team. Anyone want to start a thread on All-District Team picks?
Originally posted by Chris Taylor:
I agree and am well aware of the politics involved. Still, I stand by my statement that, as of right now, he SHOULD be a 1st teamer. The only reason he's not in CF for us is because we have hands down the best defensive CF in the District in Kyle Profilet holding down that spot. It may not happen, but in my very biased opinion, I see Cox with at least 5 on the 1st team. Anyone want to start a thread on All-District Team picks?

ok, Chris you start it off whats your picks.
So let me get this staight.
Usually 1 per position, 1 utility player, 2 pitchers, and a DH. That totals 12. So Cox should have a 41% share of the first team in a district that has 11 teams and where Cox has lost how many games??? Cox lost to Kellam (I believe Difulgo pitched), Kellam got 10 runned by Kempsville, Kempsville also beat Princess Anne. Kellam beat FC, FC beat Cox and at some point Salem had an upset but I can not remember who they beat.
Anyone that is really paying attention knows that stats are not always the answer. Many players have inflated stats based on when the team played the weaker teams.
Political yes, maybe the stats should only be used when each team played the top 4 teams.
And don't forget all of the errors this season!
A true subject would be which teams will go to regionals. It is getting closer. I have not seen the latest, does Cox have the district locked? How many 1st team players were on the state winning PA team a few years ago?
Yes, I agree...There are alot of kids in the top teams batting over .400. This is an unusual year. I think the coaches support the kids that helped their team the most. And Cox definitley does not have the power players to produce 5 in the Beach District Teams.But, stranger things have happened this year and the Tournament should be interesting!
No way
This year is not that different from many years in the past. The beach has had many years in the past that there were the top teams and the bottom teams with few wins and sometimes no wins. Many coaches in the past of been guilty of playing their starters against teams that have not won a game all season just to build some stats.
The better coaches that look to the future find these games as opportunities to give some of the younger non-starters some play time, especially the pitchers.
When there are only 20 games, that equates to 140 innings and you 10 run even a few teams, a coach takes valuable innings away from the team.
Stats for the most part don't mean much. It all depends on the scorekeeper, some give hits on everything, errors become singles, outfield errors become doubles and triples. Others try to be fair, and some have axe's to grind against some kids and give them nothing. Averages and ERA are very scorekeeper dependent. Coaches know who can play and who can't. Over the fence home runs are about the only thing you can rely on.

I agree with 1943 that good coaches give their future starters bats against the weaker teams while others try to build up stats while ignoring their future. You can tell who they are, you never know what kind of team they will have from year to year because most starters have very little or no bats until they are thrown into the line up usually as seniors.
Originally posted by Chris Taylor:
I agree and am well aware of the politics involved. Still, I stand by my statement that, as of right now, he SHOULD be a 1st teamer. The only reason he's not in CF for us is because we have hands down the best defensive CF in the District in Kyle Profilet holding down that spot. It may not happen, but in my very biased opinion, I see Cox with at least 5 on the 1st team. Anyone want to start a thread on All-District Team picks?

I will agree that Profilet is a good defensive CF, but he is not "hands down the best defensive CF in the district". I dont know if there is a best defensive CF this year. I think a kid by the name of Patrick Harrington should be in consideration though...
Patrick is a great player and athlete no doubt. I was curious as to how he would do in the OF after playing catcher the last two years. I did watch him a bit in our two games with Kellam and although he hit the ball very well and made the routine plays, IMO Profilet, having played there exclusively the past two years, gets better reads on the ball off the bat. Patrick would be on my first team all-district team in the OF though (along with Profilet and Kyriacou). There are others that warrant consideration out there and may deserve a 1st team spot, but not knowing the stats or having seen them as much, its a tough decision. Others that impressed me this year were Tabora and Centeno from Salem. There are others, but I do not know their names
Can-O-Corn - I agree with your post that the stats may not mean much while picking the 1st team. I've seen first hand how stats are determined differently. It matters though when a college coach comes knocking or highlight articles are written in the paper. And it's a shame for the players who are working hard and get their averages shaved.

I bet All District Team Picks is a very political event.
I saw part of the Cox/Landstown game today and for the life of me can not figure out which "at least 5 players" should be part of the 1st team.
If Landstown would have handled a couple of balls hit to the outfield better, and if Mungin had not overcoached, it might have been a different outcome.
Hindsight is 20/20, but I still am wondering which "at least 5"?????
Wow 1943, you really seem to have issues with Cox...or is it me? I'm sure your baseball knowledge is such that you can judge the talent on a team based on "part" of a single game. Please enlighten us. Based on what you saw today, who, on either team, merits consideration?

BTW, my opinion (everyone is allowed to have one) is based on what those players have done all year. I admitted when I made the statement that it was a very biased point of view and you are certainly welcome to your own opinion
Asking a simple question,
Which "at least 5"
For the record you are well aware that I have seen quite a few Cox games and am only referring to your comment of your at least 41% share of the team.
Therefore, I watched the game today, probably too critical looking for your "at least 5".
Watching players not run on a third dropped strike, watching a runner at third not sprint to home on a forced play. Watching a rundown and waiting for the next guy to come to third, watching a couple of misplayed balls, etc.
Grasscutter, ODU won tonight!!!!!
Not having a kid playing anymore, I have probably seen more different teams play in the beach than anybody else on this blog.
No, I do not have a problem with Cox, and I do not even know you. I have watched Conroy for years, including the years when the Cox parents talked nothing but trash about him! Back when he used to be one of the coaches at the ODU camps.
With that being said, this should be about which 12 players should be considered. With your theory there should be "less than 7" spots left.
I alone can think of 2/3 from Kellam, 2/3 from FC, 2/3 from PA, 1/2 from Kempsville, 1/2 from OL, 1/2 from Tallwood, 1/2 from Landstown, 1/2 from Salem and not sure about Green Run or Bayside.
No way- who should be considered from FC?
Grasscutter-what about PA?
What about Kempsville?
How could I possibly be well aware that you have seen quite a few Cox games this year when I don't know you either? As for the 5 that I think merit 1st team consideration, quite frankly I'd rather not name them all because if I were to do so, others that are just as important to the success of the team could feel slighted. If that's too PC for you then so be it. I do know that I am glad you're not picking the team because you just "chose" 11-18 kids and not a one was from Cox Smile
Originally posted by 1943 yankees:
Asking a simple question,
Which "at least 5"
For the record you are well aware that I have seen quite a few Cox games and am only referring to your comment of your at least 41% share of the team.
Therefore, I watched the game today, probably too critical looking for your "at least 5".
Watching players not run on a third dropped strike, watching a runner at third not sprint to home on a forced play. Watching a rundown and waiting for the next guy to come to third, watching a couple of misplayed balls, etc.
Grasscutter, ODU won tonight!!!!!
Not having a kid playing anymore, I have probably seen more different teams play in the beach than anybody else on this blog.
No, I do not have a problem with Cox, and I do not even know you. I have watched Conroy for years, including the years when the Cox parents talked nothing but trash about him! Back when he used to be one of the coaches at the ODU camps.
With that being said, this should be about which 12 players should be considered. With your theory there should be "less than 7" spots left.
I alone can think of 2/3 from Kellam, 2/3 from FC, 2/3 from PA, 1/2 from Kempsville, 1/2 from OL, 1/2 from Tallwood, 1/2 from Landstown, 1/2 from Salem and not sure about Green Run or Bayside.
No way- who should be considered from FC?
Grasscutter-what about PA?
What about Kempsville?

First Team Beach FC: I beleive all have .400 avg or higher excluding Bowman
Hinson pitcher 7-1 3 hruns senior
Boyce catcher 4 hruns senior
Lawson DH 6 Hruns (leads Beach) jr.

Second Team
Egan 1st base 4 hruns senior
Bowman pitcher 3-0 Jr

Honorable mention:
Ryan Cook ss 2 hr/ one was grandslam soph
That is a great post No Way. It makes perfect sense to put the players that could be considered for the first and second team and why.
Pitcher is going to be a tough choice, quite a few guys have won quite a few games. Difulgo from Kellam has good numbers too. Cardwell at 1st for PA seems to be a likely candidate as well.
As for Cox, in my statement I never said there were not any from Cox, I just asked who your "at least 5" were. Please do not make this another "Cox" thing. The point was that if there are "at least 5" at Cox, that leaves little room for any other teams. I apoligize if you thought it was personal, I guess I expected you to justify your comment. It could have been done simply, just like No Way's post. If you are not willing to go out and say who and why because you might effect the team, well that is obviously your choice. You obviously are baiting others to give their opinions. Do you really think that what you say on a high school blog could effect the success of your team because a player's daddy "slighted" another player???? (it would probably just aggravate the other parents)
yes, some players could be in more than one position...Hinson could be 3rb base also, and Bowman
could be first team for pitcher. He is by far the hardest throwing kid in the beach this year. I also, could have picked 5 first team but this is what my gut tells me.AS for PA I think Pitt is in the running for catcher, and Kellam definitely Delfigo.We have a good CF with speed and probably fastest kid in the district(hit a grandslam) that I would consider also. But only time will tell.

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