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are you sure you dont mean the western counties baseball league....i dont believe there is such a western major league...unless you speak of the 3 canadian teams in the northern league...which is an excellent independent league...calgary, edmonton and winnipeg are the 3 canadian entries...many drafted canadians will be playing at this level with the visa status the way it far as western's a decent league for 19+ to keep playing summer london is in the inter county senior league ....

Last edited by CanadianLeftiesDad

The league Im referring to is the Western Major Baseball League it's supposed to be the top league in Canada for collegiate players, I've been told it draws comparisions to the Cape Cod League.

I'm playing there this summer and was just curious as to whether or not us Canucks on this site knew about this league, obvisouly they haven't.
Last edited by Wales
hey doc
well according to the site it sounds like an outstanding opportunity...actually i think my son was contacted by saskatchewan a number of years agao...he played in quincy illinois instead that summer...i think you will have a fabulous experience....and i dont think you will find anymore information then is mentioned in the history section of the site you of luck...

Last edited by CanadianLeftiesDad
The WMPL is a good choice for a lot of Canadian players who want to stay in Canada for the summer, or haven't recieved an invite to an American summer league. As far as collegiate summer leagues go The Cape and Alaska are at the top. For comparisons sake you will see Cape Cod league teams composed of players from the nations top D1's. In the WMPL its players mainly from smaller schools.

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