Son was just informed by a Sports Ortho that he has a strained scapula. Apparently throwing BP's in the cold air coupled with decelerating fully is the culprit. He is shut down for the next 3 weeks. What he heard (or thinks) is his season is basically shot! He'll get maybe 5-7 more starts until season's end.
He has gotten some interest already from a handful of 4yr schools. His concern is that he'll not get much more now. His coach really doesn't want to medical-redshirt him. He wants him to come back and help him drive to the conference championship.
My question is this I suppose: Based on a "decent to good" season with what is left, does he still have any chances of other schools pursuing him? He's still working out hard and should be picking up a ball next week for light toss.
Anyone who has experienced this type of scenario or heard of one I'd really appreciate how it worked out.
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