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My daughter is a college athlete. With the exception of a handful of female athletes who may play in the WNBA or make Team USA in some sport, they know they "will be going pro in something other than their sport." There's no delusion. There's no dumbing down of majors. They major in what they need for a career.

There are also less marginal students in womens's sports. There are many marginal students in football and men's basketball.

One of the best days in college athletics was when Denny Crumm (Louisville) left the business. When questioned about his 0% graduation rate he responded, "I'm not here to graduate students. I'm here to get them ready for the NBA. When asked the percentage of his players earning a career in the NBA, Crumm stammered.

When the student-athletic graduation rates are discussed, remember the graduation rate of a typical student is only somewhere between 55-60%. Why should the athletes be any different? They're just as likely to find college not to their liking or too academically challenging. It's a credit to the colleges with high student-athlete graduation rates.
I think some of it has to do with the fact that student-athletes are typically "in school" for more than just the 4 years that they play a sport. There are a lot of programs that are now taking more than 4 years for even the regular student. Now you take an athlete with limited class schedule availability and it gets pulled out even longer.

I am currently applying for the Athletic Training Education Program and in one of the classes leading up to it there's only 11 students. One is a s****r player. Somebody asked her if she was applying for the program and she said no. I'm pretty sure she said she was transferring to a much larger school. She said something about "coming here for sports; not for academics."

I think we have a major problem with all college athletics. As we've seen on here before, it appears the 'student' part of 'student-athlete' is starting to disappear.

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