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TPM it is hard to believe that the error could be made. He noticed the error right away and so did I. He had final stats from his last game and everything was correct. All of a sudden I looked this morning and he had 8 ER instaed of 7. All thye other numbers are still correct. I checked the stats before and after his last outting and after the stats were uplosded and everything was fine. This morning I check and it was up by 1 er and he didn't play yesterday.
I told him to talk to the ast. coach to see how it could happen and if it could be corrected. Another parent told me they had made an error on her son's stats as well a month ago.
I know at son's school, pitchers take turns taking down stats, their own to compare with the official scorekeeper's stats. Don't know if others do this.
If it meant the difference between getting recognition for the team or conference best ERA or not, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
But if it is important to him, have him ask, I know right now my son would love to find a mistake to remove at least a half a dozen. Eek
Last edited by TPM
I always get a kick out of people who say "What difference does it make?" or something
like "Don't worry about it, it's not important".


Every radio or tv announcer of every game I have watched this year gives the stats of the player coming in to pitch or getting up to bat.

All-America teams are chosen based on stats. Awards are given to the highest BA or lowest
ERA or best fielding percentage.

Players are given playing time(by some coaches) based on their stats.

Opposing coaches use the stat sheets and set their lineups accordingly based on what they
see to a certain extent.

Major league players have salary incentives based on stats.

IMO either keep the PROPER stats or don't keep them at all.

I agree completely. THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!.

I am so sick [and tired] of the stats-don't- matter-crowd, if your good enough you will be noticed without stats baseball-non-scouts and the suck it up kid everybody knows stats are kept badly therefore they are all meaningless anyway know-it-alls. Thanks again for being there. Just wait a bit longer. The aforementioned will soon show up at a thread near you.


Someone is assigned to input the stats into the computer program and that is the person you need to talk to. Ask the coach who the "statistician" is and get it right. It is the "so its wrong don't worry about it" attitude that perpetuates the argument used by many that "stats are no good because there are no good stats." Make the effort to have bad/incorrect/falsified stats corrected whether they are in your favor or not. The game will be all the better for it.

Stats ARE IMPORTANT! The only thing we tend to disagree on is --- WHO they are important to. Yes they can be a prize for all the world to see but we parents can't seem to agree who is looking. Important vs Unimportant will be a never ending discussion. The inherent inaccuracy of stats at the high school level will always render them ----- questionable. My son's high school stats were very important to the sports information department of the college ---- AFTER he had inked his NLI. Prior to his signing they were never discussed. I say parents need to keep accurate stats on their sons. As the official scorekeeper for his high school and his summer team, I kept stats on my son and I still have them --- (in his scrapbook).
Yes I think if you are a serious player your stats are important. Yes there are a lot of variables such as who you are playing against and even the scorekeepers intepretation.
In this case the ER showed up out of the blue. The last game he pitched in had already been calculated and I had a print out where all the stats were correct. 7 earned runs then aftyer a game he did not pitch in an earned run appeared making it 8. This is not a matter of interpretation as the stats were already posted for his last game. I phoned him and he was already aware of it.
Thanks for the advice. He will talk to the pitching coach to see if it can be corrected. If it can't life will go on.
I am not an official scorer but have had this discussion with other pitcher parents. see if this makes sense.

In order, single, walk, (Change pitcher) bunt single, then all advance on error by 2b...Unearned. Next batter single 2 rbi's

Still no outs, first run now becomes earned as it would have scored on last hit.

Again I am not a scorer.
an observation

TPM is correct that DI college stats are via "automated scorebook" ...
it's similar to an accounting program that forces all accounts to balance (it proves the box score), "it" can NOT make a mistake.

that said,
something "must" have changed upon review of the official scorer -
note** (YOUR team scorebook/scorekeeper may be irrelevant & input could be changed by opposing team's scorekeeper if they were "official" for a given game)
outa your control Frown pull_hair

like some input was changed somewhere on a previous inning ... tho it might not show up simply as a hit or fielding error, but could be buried in an inning reconstruction after a pitching change (best guess)

by bbhead: "As a freshman he wants to improve the nubers that matter to him. Era.hits oba etc."

worst case, since we're talking freshman numbers, measured improvement in future yrs would be "exagerated" by the situation you describe Smile

also agree, college stats must be important to some ...
as during a "blowout" game I watched recently, the entire starting line-up was replaced except for 1 guy who was left in "apparently" to boost his BA. Frown

now ya got tw344 all worked up dizzy
Last edited by Chairman
Chairman I thought about that but no other stats changer for his last game. The errors were the same on the official scores.
I know how automated the scores are but curious how a change could be made 2 days later and after the team played a game and those stats were also posted which have nothing to do with him because he didn't pitch.
This is very interesting.
I have another parent who said there was an error made on her son's stats. I will talk to her to see what happened.
Can they change stats that have been posted a few days before ?

That was my point about the error, as I was told, the run although unearned at the time, because there was no outs the single would have brought that run in had he not advance on the throw by the 2b and the bases would be loaded with no outs - the next hit would still have scored the run....if the inning is extended by an error then all runs are unearned from that point. In this case the first 4 batters all reached base by hit or walk. The unearned run now becomes earned. Please understand, I am relaying what I was told by some of our technician parents at the game.

Also with regard to keeping stats, go look at the current 17 game hitting streak...about 4 games back, guy took 0-4 yet if you look down on the game stats game by game tablulation it shows a hit. These stats are supposedly automated but they aren't.

He's having a great year as a freshman... and the that flaw will not hurt. BTW, I have several other seen examples of inconsistancy with scoring over the 2 years there
Algae its NCAA college ball freshamn year.

I don't think we are upset but puzzled because now it is back to the wrong stats. The victory was short lived and the game stats show him with only 1 ER in the game not 2. His previous game was 2 weeks ago so I know what his stats should be. If the game stats show he had 1 earned run and the season stats jump from 6 to 8 shouldn't it be 7 or is this some kind of new math ? If they are changing the game results it doesn't mak sense that the published game results would show this ?

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