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On the HSBBW site we've had discussions about the "costs" of participation in baseball. Obviously not all pockets have the same depth, nor does every family put the same emphasis on their sons baseball experience, nor does every part of the country offer the same options in regard to those experiences. While I understand this is rather personal issue, I feel it will give those who have not yet been through the journey an idea what kind of costs they may incur over time. With no "deep thought" or the assistance of a CPA, the question is.............
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Ironically, I just sat down with my son last week and reviewed "what does it cost?" with the family...and the answer was jaw dropping! We've spent over $13,000 the past 15 months on Travel Ball (monthly team expenses/Tourney's) & Showcase/College Camps. This does not include high school expenses (booster club/bus), baseball equipment, travel expenses (hotel, meals, gas, etc...)and I know other families that have spent as much, or more.

It's been a fun ride thus far, and I wouldn't trade the time I've been able to spend with my son for anything. However, my wife and I realize that we could have stashed that money away and earned some interest in a Money Market account for his education. Smile We will see how everything goes over the next year or so, my kid is on the "Radar" for many colleges...but right now, My Family Is Baseball Broke!
Times have changed. I can remember when kids were required to limit their playing time so they could work for their parents. Today, parents work for their kids and spend lots of money just so their kids can PLAY. Big Grin

In spite of the huge amounts of money parents spend on their son's "baseball", the "priceless" rewards from baseball cost very little or noting at all. The boys playing rec ball have as much FUN (maybe more) than the boys on the select, travel, high school, college, showcase, elite, national, scout, and professional teams.
While the cost associated with son's baseball experience has been large, it's a small price to pay to watch him do what he loves and does so well. To see him go from a shy, quiet 10 year old who doesn't think he's good enough to make a travel team to an 18 year old headed to arguably the best baseball JUCO in the country is, in an overused word, PRICELESS.

Besides, we spent at least that much on his older sister's prom dresses, fashionista that she is.
That's at least 10 if you don't answer with the last one, you're not participating very much at all...just sayin'. Big Grin If you really want to see some $$$ numbers, hang around some competitive dancers with your daughter for several years. Eek

Now it's mainly just gas/hotels/food (and plenty of it)...but what a ride.

Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'!
Last edited by DaddyBo
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
I don't want to think about it! Eek And this might be the most expensive year of all! But it sure has been fun, and I wouldn't trade one second.

I with 2Bmom....never wanted to know....and never really stopped to add it all up.......17 years of baseball.........from youth through HS then through 4 years of College...summer teams, private lessons.....unis, gloves, bats, cleats he grew out of during the same season we bought them....

Just glad we were able to do it....wouldnt want a nickel back if it meant losing those memories....

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