I was IMing with a friend earlier and the discussion of summer baseball came up. It went something like this:
Me- "July is my favorite month because all I have to worry about is sleep and baseball." (the part time job is working at a baseball facility so it's kinda one in the same)
Him- "I like April. Weather is nicer and school ball is cool because of the newspaper and your friends and stuff."
Me- "I'd rather play ball 10 hours a day and sleep the rest, not worry about anything else."
Him- "What about the parties and girls and stuff?"
Me- "I'd rather play ball."
As time goes on, you begin to realize more what the game does for you. Living in a cold weather state in the middle of the winter, I urk everyday to step on that field and play again. So I ask everyone here...what has baseball done for you? To most of us here, it's a way of life, something that you have not only made sacrifices for but in most cases, a top priority in life (behind family, religion, education). What do you think life would be like without everything baseball has provided for it? Looking back, could/would you have done anything differently? Just kind of an open-ended question...
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