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We did a cover letter, just a short introduction,then we (I) made a Bio sheet. Put on there name,address all the obvious things,
put down stats from HS (dont seem to matter if they havent seen you play) any awards he has received(MVP,ALL league, all section etc.
Put down camps and showcases he has attended. then we added a transcript(we could get an unofficial off the internet from his school).
The biggest thing I noticed my sons senior year, he had a very good year, other HS coaches actually referred him to college coaches.That surprised me.They saw him play and hit and called coaches they knew. that happened for three contacts.
I really realy believe in YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS WATCHING YOU.We were at a game the other day and a guy came up to the score booth and asked us who the SS was and where he was going to school thought he was very good, who knows who that guy is and who he knows.Alot I believe is done by who knows who and who has senn your son play. good luck with your contacts.
Intro letter is usually sent fall/winter of junior year. Many HS players are just starting to attend camps and showcases. Letter is helpful if school one is interested in is not attending, or not geographically convenient. Also, I think kids who are on coaches' radar screen BEFORE they attend camp or showcase are at a great advantage. Sometimes its the intro letter which gets a player on that screen.
My son sent handwritten letters (has beautiful printing) but not really sure it matters. An excellent book about everything you need to know about college recruiting can be ordered on-line @ I have recommended this great book to many people. It is full of excellent suggestions and really covers all the important things you may need to know. I think it's about $25 and worth every cent. This in conjunction with all the info here will give you a great basis to help along the recruiting process. Good luck.

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