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Originally posted by Homerun04:
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
TPM the amount left is 54,000 fed and slightly less than 55,000 Provincial. The total available Fed is 5000 and 6100 Provincial each year. So the total is approx 109,000. All legal and all legite. Yes text books were allowed. Also any mandatory expenses like labs, etc. He can also claim a moving expense plus his computer as it is mandatory. I have challenged the computer issues before and won everytime. The regulations are out of date .

As you can imagine, the Canadian tax laws are different tham US tax laws.... Some may not realize where you are coming from.

Not all may know where he comes from, but he knows where we come from.

A simple, "check with your accountant to see what you can deduct" would have been sufficient, I suppose. Instead, as usual we got TMI which pertains to no one here. Can we take off as deduction if our kids move out of state to go to school? Can we take off their apartments, food, gas, books, etc?

What is the purpose of a foreigner posting about how he came out ahead by possibly doing things that might be a bit perhaps, IMO, shady? Where did I accuse BHD of lying? Was I the only one who took notice?

Is this helpful?

Sorry for adding stuff that isn't necessary on my part, for those new reading here, always consider from the source where info is coming from.

Carry on.
Last edited by TPM
A good offer is one that your player and your player's family are happy with and best suitable for them. Plain and simple. Other people can give advice on their opinions of offers based on various other circumstances in their lives, but only the player has the ultimate decision to make.

BHD- I will no longer be responding on any threads that you post on while I remain a member of this website. I couldn't care less about your financial successes, your son's fiance, or your ranting about other people's stupidity. It helps no one except your ego. Stop wasting people's time with your inane bragging and try to actually help someone who comes here seeking advice without pointing out how fabulous your life is in whatever skewed, obnoxious tone you enjoy doing it in.

That, by the way, was not a discussion. That was a diatribe.
Last edited by J H
Let me put a personal close on this.
My middle son verbally committed to The Citadel this week. On the good offer status. It was not his best offer in some people's opinions. There were schools that offered more money, there were higher ranked schools that offered, there were more prestigious schools that offered, but it was his choice. To be honest, it was probably not mine or his mom's choice but that is okay, it was his choice and we ultimately want what is best for him. They made him the best offer for what he wanted out of his college baseball days. They recruited him as a pitcher who may play first. Whether he ever does that, only time will tell but they will give him the chance. They also have a history of developing pitchers, especially left-handers. And last but not least, they devoted hours on selling him on The Citadel.

The funny part to me is that most of the coaches from the other schools that were recruiting him talked about how great The Citadel was. I told one friend who was recruiting him that he couldn't blame anyone but himself. When we were there, he told Kevin how much he learned from The Citadel experience as an alumni.

I am glad that part is over. It was fun and frustrating all at the same time.
Originally posted by Jeff Connell:
Let me put a personal close on this.
My middle son verbally committed to The Citadel this week. On the good offer status. It was not his best offer in some people's opinions. There were schools that offered more money, there were higher ranked schools that offered, there were more prestigious schools that offered, but it was his choice. To be honest, it was probably not mine or his mom's choice but that is okay, it was his choice and we ultimately want what is best for him. They made him the best offer for what he wanted out of his college baseball days. They recruited him as a pitcher who may play first. Whether he ever does that, only time will tell but they will give him the chance. They also have a history of developing pitchers, especially left-handers. And last but not least, they devoted hours on selling him on The Citadel.

The funny part to me is that most of the coaches from the other schools that were recruiting him talked about how great The Citadel was. I told one friend who was recruiting him that he couldn't blame anyone but himself. When we were there, he told Kevin how much he learned from The Citadel experience as an alumni.

I am glad that part is over. It was fun and frustrating all at the same time.

Congratulations Jeff! It sounds like your son has made a nice choice. Best of luck to him in his senior year and I hope he enjoys himself!

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