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I think it's actually the most important mental skill of them all, even over the holy grails of attitude and focus!

Courage is the strength of will to do what is difficult. When courage and motivation are combined, mountains will be overcome one step at a time, and then look like molehills in the distance behind you. Without courage, even a molehill is insurmountable. With courage, an ingrown toenail is irrelevant during a performance. Without courage, the injured athlete loses intensity, focus, and balance. Without courage, adversity is bad and represents the end of the road. With courage, adversity is actually sought out because mistakes are viewed as critical components for growth and happiness. With the courage to admit mistakes, weaknesses become strengths. Without it, weaknesses continue unabated or even grow until they blow up in your face. With courage, we can create new habits and make excellence second nature. Without it, we can make excuses. Without courage, the fear of failure can debilitate. With it, fear helps us push our own limits and reach new heights of personal or human achievement. This is because courage reveals fear and pressure for what they really are: the shadows of great opportunities.

This is why Winston Churchill said, "Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning." If motivation and courage are sufficient, you will find a way!

Best wishes for making today your masterpiece.

Enjoy your job. Know your job. Do your job!

Original Post
You definitely raise excellent points. I think that desire is perhaps equally important. Someone once told me that hunger is the fundamental force of the universe. I think that is not far from the truth. Having the courage can come from any arena of desire, but without a passionate desire, I wonder if courage can get the job done.

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