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what is your most embarrasing baseball moment?

A few embarrassing moments in history?

jose canseco misplays a flyball and is hit on the head and the ball goes of the fence for a home run.

Steve Lyons drops his pants and brushes dirt of his undies standing on 2nd base. Then relizes where he is.
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While coaching (we're in 1B dugout)...we're up by 1 run, bottom of 7th (last inning), bases loaded, 1 out for opponent.

Ground ball hit to SS...he steps on 2nd (2 outs) and throws to 1st. 1B pulls foot off bag and umpire calls runner safe (game is now tied as runner from 3rd has advanced home on groundball). 1Bman begins to argue with umpire, meanwhile runner who started play on 2B is now rounding 3rd and trying to score.

I jump out of dugout without thinking and grab my 1Bman pointing to runner trying to score and win game...he throws home and gets the guy at the plate (3 outs). Meanwhile, opponent's 1B coach is saying, "Mr. Umpire, we have a coach on the field...isn't that interference?" I look down and cannot believe that indeed I am on the field looking like a complete idiot...we should lose.

Umpires are HS kids and don't know what to they force us into extra eventually called for time limit as a tie...other team knocked out of first place. I cannot apologize enough to the other team...they are good sports about it though.

Will never forget it nor the embarrassment.
Last edited by justbaseball
U all knew that Bullwinkle would have a story.

The Bull is playing 3B, a pop-up is hit down the line. The ball is going to land close to the top of the chain link fence. With a running jump, I plant my right foot half way up the fence, the toe cleat fitting perfectly into the fence, I can push off to get higher. The Bullwinkle starts to fly, with my left arm over the fence I make the catch and start to come back down....The top of the fence graps onto my belt and pants. I over correct and start to spin. As I fall back to earth, the fence pulls my pants to my ankles but won't let go. I end up attached to the fence upside down with my pants bunched up at the top of the fence and my head scraping the dirt. Ball still in glove. Lucky for me it was the third out. The shortstop and blue were laughing so hard, they couldn't get me down. The trainer came running out and had to cut the pants off the fence. I had to run back to the dugout (1st base side) with only a jock strap, a jersey and a red face.

Hope this qualifies as an embarrassing baseball moment.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
I was 13, playing Legion ball. The rest of the team was 17 & 18 year olds. I was catching and A bit over anxious in my first game. We got the first out of the first inning and I yell "1 Out". I have a loud voice and it carries well.... We get the second out and I yell "2 Outs!!!". The centerfielder, a real wise a$$ kid yells back "What?" I yell louder, "2 OUTS!!!" he yells "What?" - "2 OUTS!!!".. well being the dumb 13 year old kid, this goes on and on.... must have been 4 or 5 times..... Finally the coach yells..... "I think they hear you kid!"...

My heart sunk in my chest.. What an idiot they must think I am..... They didn't let me forget that all season.
Bullwinkle - a classic indeed.

The home run that hit off of Canseco's head happened at old Cleveland Stadium when he was with Texas. It soon became known as the "Dome Homer" As I mentioned in the Manny Ramirez thread a few weeks back, there is no way Manny can be considered the worst outfielder of all-time with the likes of Canseco "playing" the outfield.

My story is from one I read by a local baseball beat writer and concerns Brian Anderson the pitcher who has been with the D-backs, Indians, Angels, and so forth.

Apparently he likes to sleep in the buff and cautiously went outside his hotel room one morning to grab the newspaper as he usually did. For whatever reason, the door rapidly closed behind him and he found himself standing nude and unfortunately locked out of his hotel room without the key. He did what any respectable person would do and covered his front portions with the newspaper - the USA Today I believe. He proceeded down to the hotel lobby "paper in hand" where they promptly made him a new key and gave him a towel for the return journey back to his room.
Mine can’t top the Bull’s, but was embarrassing and made me feel like an idiot.

Freshman year in HS. Got to throw JV against a rival team duel . We were winning 6-0 in the last inning and I was going for the shutout. They had one out and runners on first and third. Runner on first breaks for second while I’m in the set position. I didn’t want to balk so I step off the rubber, turn and look at second, turn and look at third, turn and look at second, turn and look at third (you get the idea). Anyway, before it was all over, runner was safe at second, runner at third scored and there I am standing on the mound still holding the ball! Coach just shook his head, laughed and said “there goes your shutout”. pull_hair
Thanks for all the comments, and thank-you for letting me re-live that moment in my baseball career. The only problem is that I am now dreaming it at night...every night, since the post.

Bullwinkle wants to get back to the dreams my desert island and my girls:

Angelina Jolie
Terrie Hatcher
Elizabeth Hurley
Liv Tyler
Kelly Ripa

(yes, Kelly might talk to much, and Bullwinkle is looking to replace... got any ideas?)

Lastly....Bullwinkle Jr has a story about how important it is to wear a cup and jock at all times.....but he's 19, and easily embarrassed. So I'll let him tell his own tale of woe and swelling when he wants to.
Last edited by Bullwinkle
This didn't happen in a real game, it was just like a practice situation (I'm a catcher):

baserunners on 1st and third, and runner from first attempts to steal. So I forgot what the sign was. I like froze when I took it from the coach, and just stood there. When the first wave of shock subsided I said, "Wait." My coahc was like, "Why are you saying wait?" He came over and we settled the problem.
Mine is nowhere near the Bull's but here goes...

Playing 3B against the top hitting team in the WAC at the USA facility in Millington, TN. They were lighting up our puss baller all day. Luckily, they were all in the gap. Well, 3-1 count to their #4 pitcher shakes off 2 pitches and settles on a belt high FB. The hitter smashes the ball toward hop...can't react...hits me directly in the cup.

This is where is gets weird - everything slows down. The cup shatters...out of the corner of my eye, I see the ENTIRE bench for their team double over in pain for me...the ball drops straight down...I throw the guy out at 1B and then "lights out". I passed out and get the smelling salts. I get helped off the field and into the locker room where I gently pull the shards of my cup out of my sliding shorts (and out of my leg). No damage except a few scratches to my leg.

Next day, the entire opposing team comes out for BP with their jocks and cups over their uniform pants clapping when I get up to bat.
Well, this would have to be classified as "Painfully Embarrassing" I suppose.

The Painful part??? As a HS Senior, I got hit square in the eyesocket by a batted ball.
The Embarrassing part??? I'm the one that hit it...straight down, and then straight up off the plate into my face. (I now knew what John L. Sullivan vs. Jake Kilrain must have felt like.)

It was like slow motion from there, everything seemed to happen on a three count. It hits me, pause for a three count, I grab my face with both hands, pause for a three count, I drop to my knees, pause for a three count, I drop flat on my face, pause for a three count, I start rolling across the field like a man on fire.

When I finally got stopped from rolling by coaches, players, and umpires, and the pain subsided enough for me to sit up, I heard the coach say "Freeman, you're hittin' for him." Not wanting any part of that, I responded "I can hit." The coach asked how many fingers he was holding up...I guessed...and then heard "Freeman, you're hittin" again.

Thirty years later, I still don't know how many fingers he was holding up, or if he was even holding up any. And to top it off, that **** Freeman hit my double....or so I'm told.

BTW, Bullwinkle should win this contest, hands down. I laughed so hard it hurt.
Redbird, your a hero. As a catcher, I've had a few hit down there. Most were the usual, 10 seconds after hit, you feel that pain, but after a minute its over. But once I had one and it started off the same, but it was so much worse. I was walking for like 3 minutes waiting for the pain to subside, but it was terrible. I sat down for a while and then I finally began to feel the pain subside.
This is just a cute story, maybe something coaches could use someday.
When my son was 11 he was trying to get through a game and struggling a bit. The coach went to the mound, called all the infield/outfield in and announced to my son that his fly was open. Of course it was NOT, but everyone realized that the coach needed to bring some humor into the moment to loosen him up. They won the game.
My son says to this day when he gets a little uptight on the mound he rememebers that story for a chuckle.

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