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I totally agree TR. If gives you an idea of what other people think and feedback on your own thoughts. I like the fact that people disagree and give other opinions. Also you learn what makes other people tick. The other coaches I have talked to are great and I have enjoyed the discussion and exchange of ideas. I have really enjoyed hearing from parents. So many times parents are scared or reluctant to open up because they think that it might be held against them. (No Never). But here you get honest feedback. I might not always agree with it but I appreciate it.
Agreed. I especially love to hear from coaches about the tough issues they deal with and the solutions that result.

Also enjoy hearing from other parents and coaches on how they help their players deal with the sucesses & failures of the game.

This site is a great resource...and I always learn something even when the topics are very heated.

Did someone say...velocity vs control....weighted balls...proper hitting mechanics, HA!
I enjoy the national diversity of the members. Baseball is the common denominator, but, the site promotes honest (for the most part) opinions on many topics. Regardless of age learning something new is fresh.

As parents, baseball and it's progression through the various levels can be a lonely experience. This site is a virtual support group where parents, coaches, and organization leaders can share thoughts and ideas. A no lose situation for all.

And best of all, a place you can stick your foot in your mouth and end up almost enjoying the taste knowing that you are somewhat anonymous.
I love this web site. Somehow, when Bob cleaned house a few weeks ago, I couldn't log in anymore. I went crazy feeling like I couldn't be a part of my "baseball community". He got me fixed though!

I love talking and hearing other people talk baseball anytime and anywhere.

Also, I have received wonderful info and advice here that will have a direct impact on my son's future. Obviously that is very important to me.

I have also made new friends from other places in the country. New friends are always a blessing!
It's the second thing I check every morning; the first is to look and confirm that my stinking Orioles have let another day pass without signing a solitary soul.

No wait, I must be fair; two days ago, they went to an assisted living facility and signed James Baldwin to a minor league contract. If he makes the roster, the O's pay what Medicare doesn't cover.

Big Grin

p.s. I have met 4-5 websters in person at showcases or games in the past couple years-very neat!
Last edited by hokieone
If an alreay great site could be improved on:

1. People wouldn't post "guesses" regarding baseball rules. If you can't refer to the actual rule just hang loose and let a Blue answer. Blue Zebra was grouchy but you could take his answers to the bank.

2. The same goes for the strength and conditioning, would like to see more "qualified" advice and less un-informed opinions.

3. It would be helpful if more posters put info about themselves in their profiles.
Aside from the tons of information I learn nearly everytime I read this site...I especially like the "friends" I've made through the private message feature. It has introduced me to people from all over the country who have great information to share.

Even better yet, now I look at boxscores and websites from colleges and pro (minor and major leagues) rooting for someone's son whom I've never met.

And then there's the numerous times I've actually met some of you in person at some tournament or college game.

All of it has been great fun. Cool
I appreciate the compliment but the real credit needs to go to many other individuals because for the most part I’m just passing on what I learned over the past six years from others on the HSBBW and from my son while he played the game. I think the unique thing about the HSBBW is the people here are not just spouting success stories or selling a baseball video. These are sincere people that are either asking for advice or sincere people offering advice. I know you and every other parent/player is learning something every day, whether it’s when your son steps on a baseball field or when you log on to the HSBBW. What you learn will help another parent or a player down the road. It’s people like you that will carry on the tradition of sharing your information with those players and parents looking for answers.
As I look back I know I asked some pretty dumb questions when I first found the HSBBW but people like hsbbw (Bob), TRHit, Bama Bomber, bbscout, BeenthereIl, Brian Rupe, and many, many, others were more than willing to help me. As long as I’ve been here I still learn something everyday. The current thread about the 2005 draft has a lot of information about the draft and the negotiations between the player and the club. I’m thankful that bbscout, FrankF, TPM, RHP05Parent, FutureBack.Mom, and BigHit15 are sharing that information.
Savannah, as your son’s career matures the memories he creates will forever be etched in your mind. Not only is he making memories for you and your family, he’s also providing you with a lot of information that is priceless to the parent of the emerging ballplayer...The HSBBW is a special place you can share that information.

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