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When a catcher receives a close call in the dirt on a third strike.
The batter takes off for first base and is called out by the home plate umpire three times, first base was unoccupied and a runner at second base. The catcher checks and hears the plate umpire call the runner out three times and no throw is made to first. The runner continues to run and reaches first base. The batter at first abandons the base for the dugout. Coach comes out to protest and the Base umpire call’s runner back to first base.

Was the catcher correct not to throw the ball? Can the base umpire over rule the plate umpire after the play is ended. Once the batter abandons the base for the dugout can he be called back?

Just wanted to get it right!
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I'm not an ump, but I would say the Home Plate ump was just calling the batter out on strikes. If he does not clarify this, there may remain doubts about whether the pitch was a called strike. This does not take away the batter's right to steal 1st base. Catcher should know the rules and should have thrown to 1st to complete the out.

Not sure the field ump should have called the runner back after he abandoned the base though. I'll let the real umps clarify that.
Originally posted by bballman:
I'm not an ump, but I would say the Home Plate ump was just calling the batter out on strikes. If he does not clarify this, there may remain doubts about whether the pitch was a called strike. This does not take away the batter's right to steal 1st base. Catcher should know the rules and should have thrown to 1st to complete the out.

Not sure the field ump should have called the runner back after he abandoned the base though. I'll let the real umps clarify that.

If PU called the batter/runner out, then he is saying the pitch was caught. Otherwise, the mechanic would be to ring up the strike and indicate "no catch" with a safe sign.

The call is none of BU's business. He has no authority to overrule anything.
The boy did the right thing except once he hear's the out call, have him make a couple slide steps to clear BR, then a good strong pump fake to 1st, just might hang R2 out to dry.

Why in the 3rd world they'd bring the BR back, I can't imagine?
Unless pitch was actually uncaught and PU ruled incorrectly and some kinda mini protest occured?
Originally posted by yawetag:
Originally posted by jjk:
Unless pitch was actually uncaught and PU ruled incorrectly and some kinda mini protest occured?

There's nothing to protest. The catch is a judgment call by the PU.

No question on a catch being a judgement call.
No question BU doesn't overrule PU.
But BU may have some overwhelming evidence upon being asked?
BU: Hey knucklehead that ball bounced 4' in front of the plate.
PU: Yeah I know, but F2 caught it.
BU: KH, did you rule that a bounced pitch can be legally caught?
PU: Yeah.

14's, I'm just wondering if, folks outta the stands were umping, kids maybe, something's missing here.

Just grasping at how they got to, BR to 1B?

Few options I can dig up..
Illegal pitch

Any of which I'd consider shared calls, allowing BU to signal or call something without PU necessarily knowing it?

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