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COCO, ISN'T A SCOUT. Just in case you didn't already know that. But you guys played along very well.

Now you all know, maybe you don't, that there is NO such thing as a Double A scout.

There is however something called a pro scout who scouts only minor league games from AAA down to A ball. They scout for trades and rule 5 picks but do not scout HS and college players.

This was fun to read.
Yeah, Area Code has studs. I think the true grit or the "nails in the clutch" needs to be viewed in big games or witnessed in the playoffs. IF you can throw 95-96 and put on a good show in Area Codes you will be watched. If I was a scout, I would want to see what the kid does during a crunch time. Does he handle the pressure? Can he throw strikes? 95-96 is truly amazing but if not thrown for stikes its worthless.
Last edited by penja
Knowing my son, if he lasted 6 years in the Milb it would definitely be worth it. The $500K would be icing on the cake.

I have a hard time believing someone could last 6 years without throwing strikes, no matter how hard they threw.

Don't mean to argue but right or wrong, IMHO, velocity is the first tie-breaker, lol.
If anyone thinks there are scouts out there that scout for a particular farm club... you are drinking too much or do not know enough about the scouting process...

and not many pitchers pitch at 95... and you don't need to... Maddux hasn't touched 90 in a game in 5 years (but in his bullpens he will hit 92-93) and he says he doesn't need to hit 93 in a game. The key is change of speeds.

Every 5mph is equal to a reaction time distance of 3 feet in the balls path - huge.

Besides everyone in the bigs can hit a ball that is traveling 95.

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