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Interesting article--sort of typifies our society today

Gone are the days of the child going home and be wary telling the parents of incidents like this because the parents would have given them more work to do than the teacher requested. Teachers used to be looked upon as authority figures.Today all too many look upon them as baby sitters--please do not harm by childs psyche--- especially in the elementary grades

I truly believe that our society has gone "SOFT".

All authority figures--teachers coaches, police etc have been stripped of any authority.

It is not an easy world as a parent today
Last edited by TRhit
I was going to stay out of these discussions about teachers and what they should and should not be doing, because I’m bias,
My wife is a teacher.
So let me tell you what a teacher’s life is like.
They are the unsung Hero’s of the world.
They educate your child, they baby sit your child, they listen to your child’s problems, they Care for your child, and oh so many more things.
And they do this, for minimum pay.
My wife Teaches in one of the best school districts in Texas, but the problems or are the same as everywhere else.
Let’s start off by talking about the “No student left behind” act.
This law has along with the mandatory testing (TEKS) has taking the education out of school by mandating percentages.
To better explain this it’s basically of you don’t meet the states requirements you loose funding, until you make your Goal.
That in itself is not a bad thing, but when you throw in the no child left behind act, you create a huge problem.
Look, I’m going to just come right out and say it. Some kids just can’t cut it. Be it an issue of intelligence or parents, or caring by the parents or by the child, the matter remains, some kids just don’t have it.
So knowing that, the school district, the school, and the teacher are supposed to teach this kid and guarantee this child doesn’t fail?
So now you have a teacher, School, and School district who have to figure out a way to help this 1 child, Without additional resources, without additional head count, without adversely effecting the rest of the children in that classroom.
So a on a daily basis, the educator could be spending most of the day catering to 1 student instead of helping the rest, all because
Someone somewhere decided everyone is equal.
Then in that same classroom you have 1 or 2 discipline problems. Kids who continuously are causing problems. Then you have ESL kids who need help in that same classroom.
So let’s take a look at the numbers. No more then 20 students allowed in a classroom.
You have 1 or 2 students who just don’t cut it, then you have 4 or 5 kids who are low achievers, then you have at least 2 trouble makers, then you have at least 4 or 5 ESL kids. Let’s add them up, thats14 kids of special needs in 1 class!
I’m not even mentioning the amount of kids in 1 class who have been labeled ADD, and all its variations.
So we have 1 teacher who has her or his Goals set by state and federal laws, who has to insure that everyone of her kids first is passing, and then passes the standardize testing. That’s 1 teacher and at least 14 special needs kids and 6 kids who are pretty much left up to their own to learn. And don’t forget she is doing all this for minimum pay.
Oh did I mention that failing a child is not an option? Even if they don’t do any work?
On another thread it was mentioned that it’s partially the fault of a teacher for allowing a kids to fail. That they should pick up the phone and call a parent to let them know that their child is failing.
My question to you is what ever happened to the parents taking the responsibility for their child. Progress reports are sent out, and if you child is not doing homework, you should expect bad grades.
I think society as a whole has no Idea what a teacher has to go throw. Something ya’ll don’t realize is being a teacher is not a job. It’s a calling,
They don’t teach because of the money they teach because they want to make a difference.
That may not be the situation after a couple of years, but I’m willing to say 100% get into teaching to make a difference.
My wife goes to school at 7:00am and doesn’t leave until 5:00 -5:30pm every night. Then at home she works until around 9:00pm every night grading and preparing for the next day / week and so on.
My wife loves teaching, but she’s getting close to giving it up, because the demands on them are so great, and the amount of help is so little.
If you want to make a difference, be a good parent. Remember a good parent is a parent who can say no. and who is not afraid of disciplining A child.
Love is Discipline; anyone can say “yes” a parent who really cares is a parent who can say “NO”
If you ask me it all boils down to Discipline, we’ve become this politically correct society, which states discipline is a bad thing,
And that we are all created equal.
Last edited by Randall

Interesting. The buzz around the faculty room was the article in Time. co incedendly last night was our Parent Teacher meetings. I was talking to one of my colleagues and true to form told me of a parent who came to the meeting loaded for bear. How it was the teachers fault etc etc etc. The thing about it is that you as a teacher have to stay calm. If you would say something considered to them to be be rude or unprofesional somebody higher up gets a letter or a phone call.
Amen Randall!
I would challenge anyone to step into a teacher's shoes for a week and see the real world of teaching these days. It's no picnic and budget cuts & the new federal laws are making it almost impossible. Randall's example is a classroom of 20, but here the upper elementary grades carry 30 students per class with no teacher's aide. Not a job I would ever be able to handle. Eek
Last edited by RHP05Parent
I am a high school school administrator. My son attends a different high school. Despite having been in the gifted program (which runs through 8th grade)my son is an underachiever academically. He is lazy and slack when it comes to school. He hasn't failed anything - yet. He does the bare minimum to get by. He has been disciplined countless times for his shoddy way of doing. His mother and I (to whom I will have been married 20 years this summer)have been to conferences at his school, provided whatever he needed for academic enrichment, etc. etc. etc. I believe we are good parents that have provided a good home. He has struggled in Pre Cal and Honors Biology this year. The Biology teacher emails my wife at least once a week to give her an update as to how he's doing, what's coming up, etc. The Pre Cal teacher, despite sending home a form asking if we wanted to receive email updates at the beginning of the year has never contacted us. Even after a conference where we reiterated we would like to be kept apprised. He has gone for help at 7:15 in the morning to this teacher. Once he was turned away. The second time she helped him for about 10 minutes and sent him on his way. I've said all that to say this. Some kids are good students, some aren't. Some have good parents and homes, some don't. Some teachers are caring, competent professionals, some aren't. Anytime we write an article about what the "Red group" hates about the "Blue group" there's a corresponding article about what the Blues hate about the Reds. There are a myriad of factors that influence a person's success in the classroom as well as on the baseball field. Why will my son go after football practice and hit baseballs till his hand blister and I have to take his car away to get him to do any studying? It's not as easy as reading a book or an article to find the answers. Forgive my ramblings.
I have been a teacher for 33 years and still going. As with any profession things change and it is a societal thing. As I have said before it is an accountability thing. I and others have weathered all the progressive methods of education. I am amazed at what people come up with. I have sat through workshops and in service days where somebody with a PHd at the end of their name lectures us about how kids learn etc etc etc. 2+2=4. Has been that way since day one. Back in the day the teacher said it you memorized it and went on. Now it seems we must look into the concept and how a child arrives at such. And if he cant grasp it you as a teacher must be doing something wrong. Or he or she has a learning disability. Beethoven was deaf and composed music. I still cant figure that one out but it only shows you the will of some. As a teacher or a coach I think the greatest ability to have is the one to motivate. Without motivation success is many times unlikely.
I wouldn't be a teacher today even IF the money was right!! When was the last time that you spent any time in the classrom?? The unruliness and lack of respect starts in elementary school.

I have spent time in the schools volunteering, as many of you surely have done. I would get fired AND sued on my first day because I'd want to hit those kids "up side the head"!! The majority of the parents of these little troublemaking "darlings" are just as bad as the kids.

I truly believe that ALL teachers must have the patience of Job and they should receive combat pay. My hat's off to all in the teaching profession!!
Here we go let me put it this way. Parent gets a call from school that Timmy has misbehaved. Timmy gets home. Parents ask Timmy what happened. Timmy gives them a lame excuse. Parents back up the teacher and give him what he needs (woodshed time). Parent #2 gets a call from school that Timmy has misbehaved. Timmy gets home. Parents ask Timmy what did that Teacher do. Timmy gives them a lame excuse. Parents call the school and ask for a meeting with the teacher and the principal. Parents come to school with Timmy and attack the teacher with allegations backed up by Timmys lame excuse. Results of Parent #1- Timmy learns that he better respect the teacher and other figures of authority and keep his mouth shut and learn or he will be taken to the woodshed. Results of Parent #2- Timmy learns that he can use his parents as a shield to buffer him from having to respect authority and do his work. Results of Parent #1- A young man that is accountable for his actions and is respectfull of others. Results of Parent #2- A young kid that is always looking to blame others for his shortcomings and disrespectfull of others. I wonder who will be more sucessfull in life? Is there any doubt. I have always told my kids that what they get in school for not taking care of business will be nothing to what they will get when they get home. So I better never hear a word from a teacher or administrator other than "Hes a great kid Mr May." I can handle if a kid is struggling academically a little as long as he is giving an honest effort. But there is never an excuse for being disrespectfull to a teacher or anyone in a posistion of authority. And they better say yes sir and sir and no thank you and thank you when dealing with an adult. If you want respect you have to give respect. If you do not want to be disciplined then discipline yourself.
When I started Coaching I took a job as a substitute teacher at the school I coach at. It was suggested that I do this because I was coaching. My first day in class I was shocked at the behavior of at least 50% of the class. Most of the kids had no paper or pencil and all they intended to do was sit and talk and make loud noises and ask to go the bathroom. It was so bad the students that were actually trying to learn were distracted so bad that they just sat there quietly at their desk. Well I started with a simple speech. "Ok listen up. For those of you that want to spend the rest of your life working at Burger King and learning that all important phrase (Do you want fries with that) you do not have to do a single thing in here today. But you will be quiet and stay in your seat and allow those that want to be sucessfull in life the opportunity to learn. If you do not I am going to personally escort your butt out of here and take you to the office. And if they send you back I am going to send you back to the office and write you up untill they send you home. Any questions? Now the kids have learned me and I dont play. I send them to the office no warnings. Now when I sub a class I dont have any problems at all. You have to have the support of the administration but if you do it can be done.

What I am expected to do/know:

1. Know all of the kids
2. Know all of the kids I have ever taught.
3. Teach pride.
4. Modify behaviors
5. Know signs of abuse and report them.
6. Know all of the covert messages printed/worn or otherwise displayed in school
7. Fight the war on drugs.
8. Raise student’s self esteem while wondering if there is a gun in the backpack.
9. Maintain a “safe environment”
10. Promote cultural diversity and be sure that I maintain gender equity.
11. Continue my education
12. Know all current trends in education but also know trends in social behaviors.
13. Know that my presence will place students in awe so I must be a role model.
14. Know all of the educational web-sites and all of the off limits sites.
15. Decide who is potentially dangerous in class
16. Decide how to handle medical emergencies in my class with special students.
17. Make sure all of my students can pass the state test.
18. Make sure all parents are aware of anything lacking in their child’s academic endeavors.
19. Know who is dating whom and who has had a bad day.
20. Make sure that I closely monitor anything remotely close to prayer in school or the use of the word ### because some parent might be suggesting that I am teaching religion and sue. (Recently, this has come to include the Pledge of Allegiance!)

What I know:

1. I can’t do it all.
2. In order to help someone, they must first want help.
4. Know that sometimes I feel like the greatest failure I know.
5. Know that there will come a day when my kids hurt and I will be hurt!
6. Bruce Springsteen once said, “There comes a time when you have to stop dreaming of the man you want to be and start being the man you have become.” (Despite how I feel, I have to be there for my students!)

BTW, I DON'T HATE ANY PARENTS! I do wonder why it is so hard for them to help their children dream big dreams. I have to worry more about that kid and you know what, I win a lot. Still the losses are the biggest feeling of failure that I can have. I want to be so good at what I do that I will win every kid!
Last edited by CoachB25
Coach B25

Could not have said it better. I know this sounds corny but teachers have the future sitting in front of them. Lawyers doctors etc are considered professionals. they get paid way more than you and I. I could never venture being a lawyer or a doctor. they get respect in most cases. but I always here people say that teachers have it easy you know the summers off etc etc. If it was so easy why is there a shortage?
Will, you are right. However, we do get respect from students that appreciate what we mean to their everyday lives. I am so blessed. I have great kids in class and on the field. I'll tell everyone a brief story. This past week, we were working a my Wild West Project. It entails two maps and 50 "trivia" questions from the Wild West. One of my kids came up and said she was having trouble completing her map. She is such a fantasic student and I call her "Sunshine." Her real name is so appropriate for her. Heaven! She can't get her map done because her hand won't quit shaking. You see Heaven or my "Sunshine" has ALS. I helped her finish her map and with a smile, she looked at me and said, "not bad work for someone who is dying." How can she smile? Having her in class is exactly what it is like to be a teacher. To have kids that you get so close to and to know the happiness and heartache involved with everyone of them. If any posters truly want a job that changes lives, TEACH! (BTW, it will be your life that get's changed!)
Last edited by CoachB25
CoachB25...thank you....a great post. I work in a high school office. I don't teach, but I have 4 office aides for each of the 6 class periods, and my office is centrally located enabling teachers, students and parents to "drop" by....and vent....I've read all the postings on this thread...and can understand where each and everyone is coming from. We have our share of parents who enable their children to do poorly, and some children who would do so with or without parental assistance. Sometimes it's very discouraging....but more often it is a good place to be....when I'm having a bad day...I keep reminding myself...there are kids in my school who have it a lot tougher...everyday.....

I think.....for the most part...parents are failing their kids....I'm not an educator.....this is just observations....from the little old lady in the front office....
Having taught at the middle, high school and university levels and having three children who have been educated through the public and private school systems, I have a great deal of respect for the teaching profession, or at least for those teachers that understand ALL their responsibilities before the ink has dried on the contracts they sign.

I also have a great deal of respect for the parents and students who understand their obligations in the educational process.

On the other hand, I have little repect for teachers who don't bother to perform to the best of their abilities all of their duties, regardless of how much of a 'burden' they see as having been placed on them by administration, state or federal governments.
I have the same lack of respect for students and parents who don't care to understand or act on their responsibilities.

The minute I see someone who professes to understand the teacher's role and responsibilities and then lumps the learning disabled into the catagory of 'the burden' or "what a teacher has to go through", I cringe.
been gone for a little while, things seem to be
the same.
coachb25 is still making great post
cad04 still doesn't realize he is not a TYPICAL
trhit- i am still wandering about the money part being great..... you must not teach in north carolina... ha ha
yes teaching and coaching can be a pain... yes parents can be overbearing (not the norm)
as far as the summers off (usually get about 8 weeks off)
i still wouldn't trade it for MANY other jobs (taste testing at krispy kreme ...maybe)
i do know that the combo of teaching AND coaching is what works for me....don't think i could do one without the other.
I'm now learning there are great variations in teacher salaries from state to state. I rank teachers right up there with policemen,firemen,doctors,nurses etc. as folks who help provide critical services in their communities. Nothing is more important than educating our youth and I'm sure it's not easy in today's world.
In our part of Il the salary situation has gotten completely out of hand. For many years teachers were underpaid. The pendulum has swung so far the other direction that in the district where I pay taxes we have gym (pe) teachers making $95,000. This is not even near the top of high paying districts. At least in this area the teachers unions are getting automatic 4% bumps every year and pension sweeteners that are out of this world. Il now faces a likely multi-billion dollar pension shortage over the next few decades. This must change soon in our area or education for all kids is at risk.
I feel for the teachers who really work in tough situations and aren't paid well enough, they deserve better and shouldn't have to pay for supplies out of their pockets. Something must be done with how property taxes are distributed so teaching pay is fair throughout states and becomes more equitable nationally. The job a teacher is doing is no more valuable here in Il than in the "low salary" states.
Dennis400, I don't know if that teacher really gets that amount or you get the numbers from The Champion site isn't "fair" because it list every benefit as salary whereas, if you went into private industry, you would get a salary and benefits but both wouldn't be figured together and then released as one combined total. I know the Champions site has me making a lot of money and I still take home a paycheck that is $3,350 per month. That is with my coaching stipend. Not bad money but I have a masters plus additional coursework and so, ... Again, I don't know the situation in your community and am only giving my example. I just found out yesterday that I've accumulated enough "cpu's" to keep my job. I was sweating it. I paid some $1,400 to take enough college courses to keep my job. Well, I could go on forever but I'd become a bore and so... I've made a lot of money in private enterprise. I was the top salesman for Bailey Banks and Biddle in the Unites States. I held this distinction for sometime. I made money by the bags full. I was really miserable. Now, I'm not motivated by the almighty buck. I love my job. I love the kids I get to teach and coach. Despite whatever the pay would ever be, I'd be doing this. I can retire in a couple of years based upon investments and other monies. I could almost do that today. I will never do it. As long as the kids are learning and having fun and want to be in my class, I'll be here. I have a "trophie" that I've kept for 6 and hopefully 7 years here. I won the same award at my old school for 12 years in a row. "Most Popular Teacher." That is worth more than all of the money on this earth.
CoachB25, you are one of the many,many teachers who are in teaching for the right reasons and would do a great job for the students regardless of pay. My point was that the teaching $ needs to be spread more evenly.
It is also true that where I'm at salary and benefits are way out of control. At least every other district near me and for miles beyond are looking at deficits in the millions and at cutting just about everything for the kids. I understand the figures released and if in the example I stated the benefits were worth 10,000 annually then I'd still think most would agree 85,000 is pretty special for teaching pe.
Those numbers are simply unsustainable. There are hundreds and hundreds of teachers in the 120,000 range and these final 2-3 year sweeteners given to boost pensions are borderline theft when the state is bankrupt in any sense of the word.
Again, not knocking teachers at all, they do great work and deserve to get paid but in some areas it's getting crazy on the upside and others it is sad on the low end.
This is a subject near and dear to my heart...I've taught for 30 years.......... down here in the south... Perhaps I should consider moving to Illinois where that P.E. teacher is making 95,000 dollars.That's impressive! Like I said, I've taught 30 years and I make half of that!
I too would have to say I am definitely not in it for the money, or I would have left long ago. I decided early on, that if you have expectations for your students, they will rise to meet them. It has worked for me for my entire career. Have I had parents who questioned my expectations? Of course. I have had many parents who wanted to tell me in so many words that they knew what was best for their kids. And and can't really deny that. However, when they are in my classroom, I have a job to do, and that is what I do. Teach. I learned it is best not to argue and run with some of their irrate demands. I do the best I can. Some days are more rewarding than others,and there have and always will be those days when I ask myself why in the **** am I still doing this. But any teacher who is still in the business after many years, will probably tell you the same thing.. the kids. It isn't the kids who have changed as much as the parents of the kids. That is the biggest difference that I see having taught from the mid 1970's till now.
The administration and the state and federal government are out of control. There mandates are often expensive, yet unnecessary. The testing is way beyond excessive. I am still amazed at the "No Child Left Behind Act". The truth of that is that many children are left behind LONG before they enter a school building. Unless you can legislate Parenting, there is not way you can enforce that law in my opinion..............
Enough......... I haven't read the articles in Time......but will definitely buy an issue!

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