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i was there for a wedding about 18 years ago.we had our picture taken at the wartburg pop64 sign.then had a few thimbles of beer at the wartburg inn,next to the church.then back to the farm for some pork steaks.i remember corn as far as the eye could see,and flat.the reception was at the fire hall what a spread,thats a great part of the world.i remember a walmart,maybe in waterloo?first time i ever saw a walmart.unfortunatly my memory lasted longer than the marrage.your a lucky man
Waterloo is a very rapidly growing town. There are about 8000 in the city but that is misleading because the county is growing so fast and most of the county is in our school district. When I came here in 1986 - we had 570 in the HS - now we are over 900. We need a new building so very bad. It is a wonderful place to live also - hardly no crime - yet 25 minutes from downtown St. Louis and Busch Stadium. Where could you find a better place to live.
Played pro ball for 5 years.

Senior daughter just signed NLI with Stephen F. Austin State University to play softball and plays for one of the best HS softball programs in the state of Texas. They have lost the game to go to Austin each year for the last two years. Gonna get there this year!

Sophomore son is a pitcher on varsity at one of the best HS baseball programs in the state of Texas. Lost in the 5A state finals last year. He's already 2-0 on the season.

8 year old lefty son tearing it up on a select team here as well.

Got a lot of years left watching them play.

Oh yeah, I run an indoor baseball and softball training facility as well. We are definitely a BB/SB/Sports family!!

Wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world!!
We are a baseball family through and through. Wife and I watched enough Giants games while the baby was still in the womb that the Giants theme song put him to sleep after birth. While we didn't name him after a Giant, his nickname is after the Thrill...

As further proof of the life long adiction, when I asked my wife what she wanted to do for our 20th anniversary a couple of years ago, she said - go to Cape cod and watch cape cod league baseball...

As for daddy ball, I coached in the local rec league from 6 to 14 and then got out of the way once he reached High School. Along the way much professional help from local hitting and pitching instructors. Never coached the travel ball teams either.

These days, I drive, take pictures and clap!!!


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