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Some of you have probably heard this story before, but I thought it had some application to our little village...

Centuries ago a traveler approached a village gate. As he approached, he met an old man sitting by the gate. The old man rose to greet him, and the traveler asked, "What kinds of people live in this village? I'm leaving my old village and I'm looking for a new home."

The old man asked, "What were the people like where you come from?"

The traveler said, "They were awful, rude people. I had no friends; people were trying to cheat me and insult me at every turn. I was miserable."

The old man said, "I'm sorry my son, the people in this village are just like those people. You will not be happy here either." The traveler nodded, and then continued on his search.

Later the same day, another traveler approached the same gate, and met the same old man. The traveler asked, "What kinds of people live in this village? I'm leaving my old village and I'm looking for a new home."

The old man asked, "What were the people like where you come from?"

The traveler said, "They were wonderful people. I had many good friends, business was strong, and it was a most hospitable village. I wish I didn't have to leave."

The old man said, "Welcome, the people in this village are just like that. Please come in and stay. You will be very happy here."

And the moral of the story is...

Well, I'll let you all answer that! Wink

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but have you heard this one:


A Baseball Coach entered a restaurant one afternoon near the Court House and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee.

The Baseball Coach looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that the State's Attorney Office sitting over there?"

The waitress nodded "yes," so the Baseball Coach asked the waitress to give the State's Attorney a cup of coffee, on him.

The next patron to come in was a Scotsman. He danced over to a booth, sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea (and maybe add a bit to it).

He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, "Is that the State Attorney over there?"
The waitress nodded, so the Scotsman said to give him a cup of hot tea, my treat.

The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Fredneck. He strolled over to a booth, sat down and hollered, "Hey there, sweet thang, how's about gettin' me a cold glass of Coke!"

He, too, looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that who I think it is over there?"

The waitress nodded, so the Fredneck said to give him a cold glass of coke, on his bill.

As the State's Attorney got up to leave, he passed by the Baseball Coach to say hello, shakes his hand for his community services and said, "For your kindness, I will waive your three summons and two arrest warrants and your are free to go."
The Coach was so happy, he stood up, thanked the man, and did a series of back flips out the door.

The States Attorney also passed by the Scotsman, touched him and said, "For your kindness, you are free to go." The Scotsman felt great and he rose up his hands, praised the Lord and danced out the door.

Then the State's Attorney walked towards the Fredneck. The Fredneck jumped up and yelled, "I did not punch that guy, it was self defense. I'll see you in court."

Last edited by Bear

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