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i'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but i've noticed some really strange things in sports. more than usual i think.

the vick incident as well as numerous nfl incidents, the hockey coach and the nba ref. gambling, offerman with the bat.etc.etc.

do we expect to much from these athletes? they are only human and we all mess up from time to time.or do we just have to much information today ,that these things can't get passed over? or is it just the full moon? i know the morals in todays society aren't what they were,this is bothersome in it self. i just wonder why?

baseball......a big business disquised as a little boys dream.

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Strange or bad things happen in sports all the time. Sometimes it seems things happen all at one time. imo, steroid use probably has effected the judgement of many athletes. Who knows what kind of lingering effect they have.

I'll throw this out there, but not sure what kind of lingering effect it might have. Athletes are pampered - by parents, by the schools, by their teams. Throwing huge sums of money at them may not be a great idea....

I agree with theEH there is a lot of bad news. Maybe it all gets magnified. Or maybe the average person is more interested, because dog fighting or gambling (for example) are easier to understand. Especially compared to the complicated situation in the Middle East, or the Stock Market.

(might explain why paris hilton, brittany or the death of anna nichole gets so much press - geez - anyone else get tired of that?)
Years ago there was a story that circulated that went as follows:

Chief Justice Renquist, of the United States Supreme Court, was observed picking up a newspaper and immediately going to the sports page and reading it first. He was ask by one of those morally superior reporters, who seemed to think it demonstrated a lack of intelligence to read the sports page first, why he read the sports first.

The Chief Justice responded with "it is better to begin the day with a chronicle of man's triumphs than a chronicle of his failure's."

I wonder what the Chief Justice would say today if he picked up a sports page from the last 12 months?
IMO...Not limited to sports...


Now while this is not universally true, it is a definate, and definable trend...

Once upon a time the vast majority of people felt that the the means: Honor, Truth, Work ethic, Teamwork, Common good, Golden rule... were at least as important as the end result. This was once true in most any endeavor including sports, business, education, child rearing, politics...

Currently that has changed.

While there are exceptions, At the moment the overriding feeling for a large portion of the population is that The ends: winning, money, ego, power, wealth, celebrity, personal comfort,...are goals now worth any means. The process is irrelevant to a large portion of the population.

Just win baby, in any way possible. Just win baby in as big a way as possible.

And it is not limited to sports...Huge corporate salaries at the expense of companies, CEO's either stripping or gambling company assets, the whole financial pyramid scheme, celebrity rehab and jail time has become a method of acheiving goals, and I won't even get into politics, because it has become impossible to rationally discuss common good there.

The best we can hope to do is to live, teach and encourage those foundations that our country was built on. The good news is that we will weather this current storm and ride it out the way we always have....but it has to start at home with each of us.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
What has changed is we live in a world where the internet and cable bring us the news from every corner of the world in seconds, combined with a new morality of screw the other guy, what's good for me, and can I get away with it.

It's not everybody. But there's too much of it. Look around you at youth sports events. Do you think the parents of a kid playing for three teams is thinking about the team at all. No. It's all about their kid. They're screw any of those three teams in a second if a better situation comes along. When a kid gets this lesson when he's young, what kind of sense of morality and loyality do you expect him to have as an adult after he's been taught he's above it all?
Last edited by TG
Just win baby

I believe Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders coined this phrase. that was a professional football team. That is the bottom line. It is a business. this mentality has filtered to the high school. and down to the youth level. there was a saying years ago "it is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game" I dare somebody to go into a coaching job interview and repeat that. it is whether you win.
Originally posted by 20dad:
i'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer

I think I have you beat I am in my prime...

...not very sharp, but plenty of teeth...eager to attack any picnic entree and leave my telltale slashing impressions on the foam dinnerplate...occasionally pieircing that plate and allowing all of the various juices and other runny stuff to find the table top...or better yet some unlucky picnicker's lap. It's amazing the language they can quickly muster to describe my worthiness.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by gotwood4sale: tool...and a broken and busted one at that. About all I can manage nowadays is to laze around on my small yellow raft on the Great Salt Lake...I even have to float an identifying sign next to me for the paparazzi...otherwise they'll just think I'm regular flotsam or jetsam.

I'm wondering Woody... Do the paparazzi still float some when you stick your knife in them? Those jetsam boats don't look so stable.
Last edited by spizzlepop
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TG:
What has changed is we live in a world where the internet and cable bring us the news from every corner of the world in seconds, combined with a new morality of screw the other guy, what's good for me, and can I get away with it.[QUOTE]

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4

"“But know this, that in the last days difficult times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, blasphemers, proud, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, without self-control, brutal, despises of good, traitors, headstrong, naughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having form of godliness by denying its power." Timothy 3:1

Open THE BOOK folks, it's all there.
Originally posted by spizzlepop:
I'm wondering Woody... Do the paparazzi still float some when you stick your knife in them? Those jetsam boats don't look so stable.

You know spizzle...I've tried to stick a knife in them several times, but they're skilled...each time I try to poke them they throw an f/stop at me...completely shuttering me down.

And as for that boat being appears as though one of Barney's green cousins is fetching it.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
What is going on is a reflection of society at large as has been said here.
At least in the U.S.,
We - Stop prayer in our schools
Let powerful people "buy" their way out of crimes
Murder our unborn legally
Stop the reading of the Bible in schools
Throw the Ten Commandments out
Ask God to get out of our Government
Ask God to get out of our lives
Stopped spanking in our schools (we expell them and expect unconcerned parents to "take care" of them - oh, but don't spank them - it might bruise their little ego!)
Expect our kid to "eventually" grow up and make excuses for them until they do (shouldn't they be "grown up" by 18?)
Think we know more than they did years ago (but can't relate that our country getting worse points to us being wrong in this assumption)

And then we sit back and wonder what went wrong

Tim Robertson
Contrary to the above posts, I have found that more young people are expressing their faith in God and are very dedicated to their strong Christian beliefs. I deal with alot of kids 18-24 and am very excited about the direction they are heading. I see more open prayer in restaurants. More athletes point to the heavens in thanks and appreciation other than beat their chests in self-adoration. All the fine young ball players we talk about regularly on this website...they are future role models. They are not the minority, they just don't get as much press. The attempt to take God out of our schools, government and lives is not working. I see His Presence now more than ever.
As horrendously tragic as the events were at Virginia Tech on April 16, the quality and character of the countless students interviewed by the media over the days following the massacre showed them to be bright, articulate, well-grounded morally, and an absolute source of optimism for the future of our country. When you add in the simply off the chart accomplishments and character of the 32 victims, and seemingly every one of them were just such outstanding people that you cried even more as you learned their stories through friends and family, you do come to appreciate that maybe we're not in such bad hands as the next generation takes over.
Originally posted by Tim Robertson:
What is going on is a reflection of society at large as has been said here.
At least in the U.S.,
We - Stop prayer in our schools
Let powerful people "buy" their way out of crimes
Murder our unborn legally
Stop the reading of the Bible in schools
Throw the Ten Commandments out
Ask God to get out of our Government
Ask God to get out of our lives
Stopped spanking in our schools (we expell them and expect unconcerned parents to "take care" of them - oh, but don't spank them - it might bruise their little ego!)
Expect our kid to "eventually" grow up and make excuses for them until they do (shouldn't they be "grown up" by 18?)
Think we know more than they did years ago (but can't relate that our country getting worse points to us being wrong in this assumption)

And then we sit back and wonder what went wrong

Tim Robertson
Of course it's very important to force Christian religion on non Christians. I guess non Christians don't have values (sarcasm).

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