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Primarily for curiosity's sake, I was wondering if anyone knew what having "sloped shoulders" means when describing a player.

It was used our son's profile and a couple of other players who also attended the same event. Asked this same question on PG message board but hadn't gotten a response.

I've just never seen/heard it used before so was just curious what it may mean/indicate.

Thanks! Mofire
Father 2 Baller
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How about high cheekbones?

Papi - not sure what kind of response you wanted here, but this doesn't come across as very nice, especially when the "high hips" comment was made to me about my son by someone who scouts for Perfect Game. Insult me all you want, but leave the boy out of it. It was a legit question, and I didn't know what it meant. Thanks, Estone.

Then again, if you're just jealous of 2B's good looks, then that is OK. Wink

mofireman, I kind of like this thread. I thought more folks might add some terms that we've not heard before.
Last edited by 2Bmom
Ideally, if you were scouting a 14-16 y/o ...and were just looking at body type... You'd like to see a high-waisted kid, (very slightly) pigeon-toed or even-footed, with a thin to medium build that could hold 10-20 more lbs. w/o much notice.

I dont think shoulder disposition matters much at all... but I'd look more for sloped shoulders in shorter IF types, and broader/square shoulders for taller OF types or Pitchers. Reason being is that its generally accepted that the Square/broad shoulders lends itself to greater throw velocity (dont ask me, I dont know the physics of it) similar to the throws an OF or Pitcher would make.

In the scouting reports I've seen ...most attributes listed are related to playing skill and usually only touch on physical if it is a pronounced attribute. Sometimes pitchers hand size is noted if it is of one extreme or the other, with bigger being better.

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