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I am currently 19 and 6'0 tall. I havent been clocked but I got a pretty good fastball with great location and movement. I havent played for a team since middle school. However Just throwing today for the first time in a long time I seem to have picked up where I left off. I went through a period where i sort of lost interest in the game however, I am back and my passion is stronger than it ever has been. I am willing to put in all the work needed to reach my potential and make the big leagues. I just would like to know whats the best route to take to maybe make a minor league team? or should i tryout for a d2 program?. Basically I am trying to figure out how to get back into the game. I would like to atleast play college ball and then go from there. So any suggestions you guys have for someone in my situation would be great.
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No offense but the first thing you need is a dose of reality. If you haven't played since middle school are now a college aged freshman the chance of playing pro ball are fairly slim. I'm not saying it can't be done but don't close down other career paths just to put your eggs in this basket.

What you need to do is go to some showcases, tryout camps and stuff like that to get an evaluation as to where you are skill wise. People usually tend to think they are better than what they really are - everyone does it and it's just natural. The successful ones find a way to use it as a tool instead of a crutch.

I wouldn't expect any type of scholarship money either if you go somewhere that does offer money.

You got a long road ahead of you and hard work can only take you so far. You are going to need some luck.
You have any links to showcases or places I can tryout. Also wheres the best place for me to go to develop my very raw talent. I have a pretty strong arm its not randy johnson or anything but it is good enough to make the big leagues easily. Only thing I need to work on is getting more reps and experience. My granddad got a scholarship to michigan university so its in my blood. You know who on here I can talk to to help me evaluate my skills or places for me to go to get evaluated? I just believe if I get in the right program I can develop into a great pitcher. I am the type who gives 110% everytime. I am a firey type of guy. I now realize I made a mistake not playing and i quit for some dumb reasons. However I was always talented in this game. I just need some help as to where to go whats the best option. Do you think if a scout saw me throw he would let me work with his team for a year then maybe play for him the next year? Anything you guys could do to help me get back into this game would be great. I really would like to pursue a career in this great game. So any links to college tryouts or any way i could play college ball for someone in my position. I went to a community college this year and got a 4.0 last semester and have 3.2 gpa in 2 semester. So grades shouldnt matter hopefully they will see me throw and see the talent and give me a shot.
too many questions as to how and why your where your at today.

you may want to look on line in your area for college camps.
check the pg link at the top of this page and see if there is a showcase near you that you can get into.
i think your best chance to return to the game is at a cc/jc.

play in a summer league. even if it's a mens league ,you may open some eye's there. some coaches still play.

check into pro tryout camps.

not an easy road to play in college,even harder to play pro.if you haven't played since jr high,you have no idea what you don't know.

i wish you well in your journey,it can be done.
If you believe the adage of "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch" then you know you have a tough road ahead. It takes MUCH more than a pretty good fastball of unknown velocity to pitch in MLB, MiLB, any college or even a quality high school program. That being said and you want to continue on then you need to build a baseball foundation and a resume ----- you need to PROVE that you have the ability, the desire, and the work ethic necessary to succeed. You do this by playing baseball and MORE baseball! You start by finding a team --- If you’re having trouble finding a team then I question your commitment and desire to play baseball. Even I could find a team to play on if I had the desire --- which I don’t. Once you find a team your accomplishment will build a reputation and that reputation will open more doors. As doors open, challenges will come at you from every direction! As you conquer those challenges your reputation grows. You reputations will draw interest from scouts and college recruiters. Greater challenges await you. No doubt you will have setbacks. Injury and academics take their toll on many young players that have dreams of playing in the big leagues. Be prepared because these are those bumps in the road we all talk about. Did I mention there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch?
Best of luck,
You've gotten all the advice here already from these folks that I think you can receive. I just wanted to ask why you wouldn't approach the coach at the CC where you are unless they don't have a baseball program. If he wasn't interested, but saw potential or possibility, he might be able to make recommendations. Did/does your granddad have any contacts that might be willing to look at you?

Somehow I question the validity of this post. However, if you're legitimately interested in playing ball, focus on finding a place to play in college and don't be putting the cart before the horse with the pro ball talk.
Last edited by lafmom
You believe you have the raw talent to make it and thats good. But you only started throwing today how do you know the passion is back for the long haul? You must realize you are competing against players who have talent, the same desire and have been working on their skills for years.

Talk to the coach at you Jr college, find a summer team, get some lessons and go to some pro try outs and ask for the scouts advice.You can find tryout listings on the internet.

Let us know how you make out
Ps: I see you like golf...
Last edited by njbb
Somehow I question the validity of this post. However, if you're legitimately interested in playing ball, focus on finding a place to play in college and don't be putting the cart before the horse with the pro ball talk.

Actually, that's good this individual is driven by wanting to go pro. For many who play beyond HS, that's the goal anyway. If the drive isn't there, he'll never make it no matter how talented they are. Since the poster mentioned that he will do the work required to reach that goal, then he's got the right mindset to take the advise given here.

With the internet, he should have no trouble networking with people for finding a place to play in the summer which has to be done to build up that resume as well as showcasing.
Last edited by zombywoof
GoingPro: I think if you are truly wanting to do this, you should take this summer and winter to get in shape and begin a throwing program. I understand you are willing to work hard, but unless you have actually pushed yourself to the limit physically, you don't realize how hard it is to play this game. What you say on a MLB diamond is the end result of thousands of hours of high-intensity workouts per year that few people could even imagine. Put yourself through a month of those workouts to see if your passion is still there. If it is, continue with the getting in shape and throwing programs until next May. In May, there are independent league tryouts for you to go to to see where you stand. Just go to to see where those tryouts are.

I don't recommend trying to find a place to place right now because you will just hurt yourself. Believe me, I am 23 years old, had to rehab a shoulder injury for a year...tried to come back and gave me a wake up call as to why it is crucial to be in tip-top shape because I was unbelievably sore (that was after I lifted weights and conditioned 6 days a week for 9 months to get in shape.)
Last edited by INshocker
Originally posted by njbb:
I saw the youtube, but if you treat each post as legit some one else may benefit from the information

I can appreciate that thought process. I just thought people should see what they are dealing with. Maybe after seeing this video....the suggestions would point him in a different direction.

Not trying to be mean or anything like that.

Welcome to the HSBBW!

Basically I am trying to figure out how to get back into the game. I would like to atleast play college ball and then go from there. So any suggestions you guys have for someone in my situation would be great.

I would suggest as others have. Go locally and talk to the JUCO baseball coaches in your area. See if they will take a look at you or have a camp where you can show them what you have to offer.
They can evaluate your abilities in person and will be a good resource to point you in the right direction towards reaching your goals.

I have a pretty strong arm its not randy johnson or anything but it is good enough to make the big leagues easily.

No one makes the big leagues easily,....but I appreciate your confidence. Go have the experts give you a solid evaluation and take it step-by-step from there.

I just believe if I get in the right program I can develop into a great pitcher. I am the type who gives 110% everytime.

That's a good start.

Best of luck. Smile
Last edited by shortstopmom

After watching the youtube video, IMO you have a very long way to go. You would not impress any professional scouts at this time. That's not to say you have no chance in the future, but it doesn't appear that you're ready for college baseball, let alone the minor leagues. Videos can be misleading, though.

I hope you don't consider what I have said as being rude. Just thought you might want to hear an honest opinion. I think you're fooling yourself if you think you are ready for professional baseball at this time.

Please don't let this one opinion stop you. Go get other opinions.

Best of luck
I agree somewhat with njbb, we should always give advice so even if it means nothing to the one posting, it may be helpful to others.

However, the video posted was from one year ago. Why is Goingpro asking now?

Also, I agree with others, golf may be a better option at this time. Eek

Always a good idea for someone who is serious about this, go to a MLB tryout, that should answer all of your questions regarding your options.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by RobV:
Originally posted by njbb:
I saw the youtube, but if you treat each post as legit some one else may benefit from the information

I can appreciate that thought process. I just thought people should see what they are dealing with. Maybe after seeing this video....the suggestions would point him in a different direction.

Not trying to be mean or anything like that.

Rob v

I agree I think he is playing with us. Thanks for the heads up
No I assure you guys I am dedicated and 100% serious about the game. Imagine how Nolan ryan would look had he not played since middle school and was 19 and threw some. I know I dont look great there but trust me that is the worst I will ever look. Even just yesterday I have seen a serious increase in my velocity and hopefully there are some people here who are willing to work with me and help thats all I ask. If that guy from "the rookie" can play in the big leagues at his old age I believe I can too. You guys act like its too late for me cause im 19? I mean there are plenty of people who made the big leagues and just picked up the game at my age or even later. So dont say its too late cause I know that isnt true. I would not be doing this if I didnt think I had a chance. So I appreciate all the helpful posts and will continue posting here looking for advice and help from those who can help and know to never give up your dream until the chance you have is at 0% I think right now I have a 50% chance of making it and as the days go on it will increase more and more the better I get. You guys dont seem to realize that Since I am rusty I will be able to improve quicker and quicker everyday than someone who had been playing every year and is in top shape. So I dont think you can look at one rusty video of me and say im joking or dont have a chance because believe me, that isnt the finished product at all!
GoingPro: I am not going to tell you there is no chance or what not, I just don't think you quite understand. First, the guy on "the rookie" was a minor league pitcher when he was younger. He threw pretty hard his entire life. Second, Nolan Ryan would have looked good at any time he pitched. He's what...60 years old and he could still pitch.

To say you have a 50% chance of making it is a little unrealistic. Guys that get drafted out of college have less than 15% chance of making it to the bigs...guys that get drafted out of high school even less. I'm talking about the guys that are already the best players in the country with those percentages.

It's not that you are 19 or haven't played since middle school, the odds are stacked against most anybody to make it to the bigs. There are ex-MLB players everywhere that got knocked out of baseball and are trying to scratch and claw their way to get back.

Like I said, I'm not trying to kill your dreams. I believe if you want to go to a tryout, you should definitely get in shape and go to a tryout. I'm just hoping you didn't watch "the rookie" one night and think it is that easy because there is nothing easy about playing baseball, especially professionally.
Last edited by INshocker
Look dude nobody here is trying to insult you but what you are saying is almost impossible for kids who dedicate their life to it. I couldn't get the link to open to see the video so I have no idea where you stand but you act like it's a foregone conclusion you will play pro ball. You mention Nolan Ryan and what he would look like if he had taken some years off - my advice is to ask him where he thinks he would be if he took time off.

Don't compare yourself to "The Rookie" guy because that is ONE out of thousands who did overcome the odds.

I mean there are plenty of people who made the big leagues and just picked up the game at my age or even later. So dont say its too late cause I know that isnt true.

Prove this please - name names of people who did not play during their teenage years and still made it. I don't think you will find a single name.

You are saying you can do this although you have no clue as to how to do it. Rational people are either going to think you are delusional or someone stirring trouble.

Look here is a summary of what everyone has told you already.

1. Get someone - college coach, pro scout, high school coach - to give you an honest evaluation of your talent

2. Get some training - camps, private coaches, play on as competitive team as you can find

3. Get exposure - put yourself out there so someone who can help you can see you

If you (or honestly anyone) follows those three steps your chances of "making it" do increase. Now the level of "making it" does take on many definitions but you need to be realistic as to where you can go.

How are you going to react and what are you going to do if you get evaluated by college coach / pro scout and they tell you that there is no chance?

Every player who has the dream of playing pro ball needs to be able to ask this of themselves and have an answer ready.
gee, you guys are brutal! Wink

I say for "Going Pro" to go for it ... AND - - here is how ya do it

1) get in ANY league that will have you ... then dominate it

2) move up a level or 2 and dominate there too

3) repeat step #2 til you reach pro baseball or MLB

4) follow my steps and it's a lock

5) good luck

send tics when ya make it - thanks
Last edited by Bee>
The validity of the poster isn't the real question, imho.

The question is:
Whats the best route to take on this? Basically I am trying to figure out how to get back into the game. I would like to atleast play college ball and then go from there. So any suggestions you guys have for someone in my situation would be great.

Its a question that I bet a hundred kids across the planet look in the mirror and ask themselves.
And I bet theres a chance that those same kids could be reading right now.

I hope those former players, including GoingPro- ( real or not), are able to use the answers, opinions, and guidence above to help them re-awaken a dream and perhaps one day turn it into reality or even a partial reality.
Many times the adventure of getting to the goal, is where all the fun, growth, and life lessons take place anyways! If one has the time,...what's the harm?

One never knows.
And they said we'd never land on the moon..... Cool
Last edited by shortstopmom

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