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My 15 year old son has all of a sudden started to get a sore (red mark) about 3 inches up on the inside of his right arm just about the palm. The knob of the bat is rubbing against it. He hits from the right side so this is his top hand. The way I look at it is he is not turning his top hand over his bottom hand soon enough in the swing. But I could be completly wrong. Im not a hitting insructor just a dad. But after about 50 swings in the cages it starts to get quite painful.
Just popped up. What up??
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The only way I can even imagine this is for a very severe wrist rolling/turnover to take place in the swing versus palms up/palms down at contact; and then continuing during followthrough. Sorry, just having a real tough time visualizing this happening even choking up on the bat with a wristy swing. Is he trying to roll his wrists into contact?

Frankly have never heard of something like this. Not much help...any chance of a video?
Hey Wrangler

I doubt it's the bat as most are exactly the same. The best way to figure it out is to watch his swing and another swing side by side...using a video camera would be the way to go bc you can slow it down. It all happens too quick to see anyway.

There's actually a great post in here...with slow motion MLB swings right here... MLB Swings

I think this specific drill called "Palm Up/Palm Down" is in a separate chapter...but if you'd like it...just let me know and I'll pull out the video and email it to you separately so you don't have to pay for the ebook itself.

Hope that helps and good luck with your son
Check these out...and watch your son's swing. If I'm guessing right, he's rolling his top hand over too far after the swing...bringing the knob back into his right arm above the wrist.

Theres a really great drill for getting your hand in the right position at contact, and I've made a high def video recording of the drill, it's on my site and inside an ebook I've can download the 1st chapter here for free Free Baseball eBook Download

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