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Keep trying.....they put up World Showcase, Open Showcase and National Underclass reports all at once.

News spread like wildfire and everyone appears to be trying to access the reports.

I certainly don't know a lot about internet/servers from a technical perspective, but I just think their website is getting "overloaded".

IN the last 2 1/2 days, I have been able to access the reports at times and then as little as 15 minutes later I run into a problem. But then 2 hours later, it's fine again.
Go figure.....
Last edited by jbbaseball
This was posted in the general forum also.

Sorry... There is definitely some kind of problem on our end. Seems the links go in and out for no apparent reason.

We think it is caused from too many people trying to access the info. We are in the process of switching to a much faster and better server. We are doing it slowly over a long period of time. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Unfortunately the person we have in charge of this (Kentaro Yasutake) is at the hospital with his wife right now. She is having a baby boy (by C section) as I write this. They named him (Rocky Yasutake). Prounounced Yos-u-Tocky

Kentaro is the only person here who can fix this problem. I just can't seem to gather up enough nerve to call him right now. He will get it fixed ASAP. We apopolize for the problem and hope to get something done about it very soon.

By the way, might not mean much to others, but Kentaro and his wife Saori are Japanese and a couple of the nicest and most dependable people I've ever met. Many of those who have been to PG events might know Kentaro. We are just about as excited as they are about them having a baby boy. Some of our guys recommended the name Rocky, certainly not me! Kentaro and Saori actually liked it. Better be an athlete with that name! Doubt there are many Japanese kids running around named Rocky.

Once again, we will fix the problem ASAP.
Cool name though... his middle name won't be Balboa by any chance? That will just put a lot of pressure on the little fella!!! And as much as Kentaro might want you to call him out of the stressful waiting game he is in at the moment, I don't think Saori would appreciate it and ya might just get a black eye next time she sees yeah, I think I would just hold off on the phone call and send flowers, wine, and a coupon for a nap to them..she will love you a lot more then greenjump

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