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A question for those who are pros at this.

For a pitcher who may or may not know his pitching rotation at these big tournies (ie WWBA and others at multiple locations), how do you let the college coach who is following you know your pitching schedule?

Honestly I don't know how that would work, since tournament baseball is so hard to predict when you might pitch. But if a college coach (or several) has said 'please keep me posted on your pitching rotation' how do you do that in a tournament?

Is it just up to the college coach to ask OUR coach? That seems like it would leave too much to chance.

Can my kid send quick emails saying 'hi coach I think I have the start at 2:00 at Marietta HS' or something like that?? What is the right way for player to do this without ticking off HIS coach?

Heading into the WWBA where I know from this web site that the fields are spread out, I assume we need to be as proactive as possible on reaching out to the coaches.

Tips on how to do this would be GREATLY appreciated --- this is the one shot at it and we don't want to miss opportunities.

Thanks - sorry if it is a dumb question. there might be a set way of doing this but I am clueless.
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There are no dumb questions on here! I would have your son ask your coach when he's going to pitch as there are several schools who are "following" him and need to see him pitch. He could even ask the coach to enter it on their PG schedule as many coaches do in advance for this very reason. I just picked a team from next weeks 2012 WWB, the Dulin Dodgers. They have their two pitchers for their first game listed already. Here is a link to it as it doesn't copy and paste too neatly-

This is how it copy and pastes-

Date GM Time Visitor Team Score Vis Probable Starter Home Team Score Home Probable Starter Location Field
06/29/2012 84 4:30 PM America's Future Prospects Joseph Palumbo, Julio Guzman Dulin Dodgers East Cobb Complex Fld 1
Last edited by johnj314
If your travel coach gets ticked off because you ask for a rotation time because a college wants to see him pitch, you're on the wrong team. When my son was being recruited, we let the travel coach know that a coach wanted to see him pitch. Not only did he tell us when he'd get his start, he called the coach to talk to him about my son. The travel coach should go out of his way to nail things down for those kids who are getting interest.

So, my opinion is, let the travel coach know your son has a school that wants to see him. Ask when he is going to pitch so he can let the coach know. Hopefully, your travel coach will be accommodating.
Yeah, I'll second what others are saying here. My son hasn't been to WWBA but in the SoCal scout league and a few high profile tourneys, it has been common practice for the team coaches to be proactive in communicating rotation info to any college coach or pro scout that is inquiring. It should not be a problem for your son to talk to his coach, let him know that there are college coaches inquiring about when he might pitch at WWBA and ask if there is a planned rotation so that he can properly reply back to those college coach/s.

It would be surprising to me if any of the coaches taking a team to WWBA don't know the drill.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Thanks Guys. John I didn't know about the posting on PG website, thanks for that link.

BBall and Cabbage, didn't mean to imply that a travel coach isn't open to being asked about rotations or 'not knowing the drill', its ME not knowing the drill!

Actually our travel coach has been very proactive leading up to this summer, contacting coaches etc.

Just looking for good advice on how this will play out at WWBA since it will go by so fast, and obviously a lot is at stake, and we want to be as proactive as we can without taking that too far!
Good points, gamefan.

Seems like the mom / dad on the sidelines has to be helpful here, 'ghost writing' an email or two, since kids can't be emailing from the dugouts or during warmups.

This is helpful stuff folks. Thanks.

I am also really looking forward to this trip for the fun of it. Lots of great baseball and we have great parents to hang out with too. Most importantly, enjoying the time watching my kid and his buddies play --- that's one thing I have learned from folks on this board.
Some great stuff here. A couple of points I have learned. When choosing a travel team, look at the size and leadership of the organization. They should have someone who will be your advocate and who legitimately knows the college coaches you’re interested in. If an organization like that is not available we have found that Twitter is a fantastic tool for following a team and specific players. This generation can send out a Tweet in a matter of seconds allowing coaches who are genuinely interested posted. This will however require the player to be judicious about their postings, as they should be anyway.
Last edited by mcmmccm

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