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After reading the Happy birthday post it made me think. Many of us found this site prior to the current format.

I found this site in the spring of 2001 when my 04 son was a freshman just after the rival days. He's now about to embark on his junior season in college.

Back in the day you had a number of when you joined. Can't remember my number exactly but it was in the 800's
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HSBBW is a god-send to us baseball folks. I am really thankful for this forum and all the friends I have made on this site.

In fact, it's more than just "High School Baseball Web".. it's the ultimate baseball medium for sharing our love of the game. There are college players and parents, pre-highschool parents and kids, pros, etc. I see it's future as reaching out and becoming the go-to baseball site, maybe even evolving the moniker.. there you go, "World Baseball Web".

Here's my vision for HSBBW. I hope it can remain a free site.. it can do this by perhaps getting some top corporate sponsors. Bat companies, sporting good ads, etc.

Then, combine Perfect Game, Baseball Web TV, PG Crosschecker, Student Sports Baseball, and all the other scattered sites into one big powerhouse! Sure, we'd enjoy the free forums and upgrade to all the other stuff!

Well, it would take someone more ambitious than I, but until then thank you HSBBW! And Merry Christmas, members!
Last edited by Bum
I also found the site long before the move to this server - I think in late 2001. I read for several months before I got up the courage to post!

Here's my vision for HSBBW. I hope it can remain a free site...

Bum, that was always Bob's vision for the site, as you have probably read elsewhere, and it remains my commitment as well - I plan to run/administer the site for many years, and there will never be any mandatory fees for members. And actually you mentioned another of Bob's intentions for the site. When he turned it over to me, he recommended that I look into accepting appropriate advertisements and sponsors to help support the site, and as you can see I have moved in that direction and it is a huge help with the costs of running the site.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Last edited by MN-Mom
Bob and Julie,

I can NEVER thank you enough. This is THE best site on the internet! Not a doubt in my mind about that.

I found it a little late for our older son...a friend pointed me to it in the summer of 2003, after we were well underway with the college search. But I have found it invaluable in so many, many ways. I've made some great friends and learned a ton...even today I still learn more and more.

Thanks for keeping it going Julie.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! And thanks! Wink

Tom, aka "justbaseball."
I wish I could remember back that far. I think it was in 1998. I know it was prior to global warming and bifocals. My son graduated from high school in '02 and if I remember correctly I found the hsbbw just prior to him starting high school or during his freshman year. What a Godsend. I have made many friends over the years on the hsbbw and I continue to be amazed how different yet how alike we are. One webster might be a female attorney from New York and another a truck driver from New Mexico and another a high school coach from California. Somehow we all find common ground on the hsbbw. Years ago I thought my situation was so unique that no one would understand. You know the situation --- a son that loves baseball, has a baseball dream, and is being "helped" by the uninformed parent.

Bob not only had the desire to help his son but he took it to a different level. He also had the dedication and ability to teach himself how to build a website where he and other parents (and players) could meet and share stories and pool our information. Bob laid the ground work where we could all find comfort knowing there is a solution to every baseball problem and a place where everyone wants to help with that solution. So, why does a man like Bob create such a masterpiece and then just pass it on? That is Bob’s unselfish nature. But seeing what Julie has done with the hsbbw makes you realize he didn’t JUST PASS IT ON!
The spirit of unselfishness was embodied in the hsbbw at its’ inception and remains firmly imbedded today. In my opinion that is what makes it such a unique and successful website. Not only has Julie allowed these traditions to continue she has made some very positive changes too. So, how do you compliment Julie for what she has done? I could pile on the compliments but they would pale in comparison to the compliment Bob gave her when he gave her the keys to the HSBBW. That has to be the ultimate compliment!
Thanks Bob, Julie and all the Websters (past and present)--- Merry Christmas!
Son was going into Jr. High...Now a freshman in college.
Bob very kindly answered several emails before I got the courage to post...I had no idea just how "uninformed" I was!!! Big Grin I have read, printed articles, re-read this entire site for 6 years. Amazed that Bob had done so much research, had posted so many interviews & articles, created the timeline, the "Showcase Page" (what in the world is this all about?!? Eek), the letters about Chris Honel, Bama Bombers Showcase Bonanza Big Grin, and a forum for all us newbies to learn!!
I'd have been lost without this site, without the Grand Pooah, without the Torch being passed along to Julie!
Thank you seems so inadequate...but that's all I can say!
Thank you, Bob & Julie! Merry Christmas!
I think I found this site 1998. My son was in 7th grade, he now is in proball,thanks in part to HSBBW.
I didn't have a computer, I would drive to my fathers and hang around waiting to see if anyone responded to my post ( no one registered then so some post were rather blunt) This site is very addictive! Thanks Bob and Julie and MERRY CHRISTMAS
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Jan 15, 2003 @ 904 AM--during a snowstorm. Still have the email saved with my password information. Son was getting ready for his Freshman year in HS. First big bru-ha-ha I joined in on was a lengthy thread on creatine.

This site has been a god-send for my daily (hourly) baseball fix. Tons of information. The posters have been great in personal corespondance. Yes...
...this is HOME.
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Wow, I first found the HSBBW while reading PG website and tried the link. It was the fall of son's freshman year and I read a copied all of the recruiting guidelines. I did this while working the late shift at work. I had never found anything on line regarding that timeline. After that I began reading the posts.

I followed all of Fungo's posts and followed his advice, and I still to this day find his advice given to be of great value (thanks). Listen carefully to what he has to say, some things don't change. Smile I think his son was a freshman or sophmore at the time, so I enjoyed following his son's college career. I got the biggest thrill when I found out that his son played with one of my son's coaches son, so I learned then that the baseball world is very small. I also met and became friendly with a parent whose son was playing at Clemson, so I had many questions to ask him.
It took a while before I began to post.
Believe it or not the first one I posted in was regarding over recruiting in college and large roster #'s. That advice helped to eventually help son zero in on his "fit".
When I heard that Bob was going to give up the site, my first email was to Julie, who had a business in web design. I thank her for responding to Bob.
I posted under another name before I changed to TPM, after son began college. Big Grin
As JBB says, there is NO other site like this one.
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I'm old enough to remember the "Little Green Website", Pre-Rivals, Rivals, Post-Rivals (sorry Bob I had to.... ) and now the Age of Julie. I think I first found the website in late 1995 or earlier 1996 (I stand corrected by the Grand must have been in 1998..I'm getting too old to remember things). One thing is for sure: it has helped a lot of folks since Bob brought it online. It also has helped me develop some friends in the three states of Tennessee (West Tennessee - Middle Tennessee - East Tennessee whar' Nocksville is the captal') and across the country.

Thanks Bob and Julie!

Merry Christmas to all!

PS. Baseballmom, it was "Bubba's Baseball Bashers Bonanza Showcases or BBBB, LLC".. Roll Eyes
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Well, I really found the site too late to follow much of the advice that I would do if I had things to do over again. I discovered this wonderful baseball home in the fall of 2004 when my son was a senior. I was "surfing" the net looking for some advice on how to handle the things that were happening with recruiting that left us feeling overwhelmed and confused.

I stumbled upon the site and lurked for a couple of months. Being the technically challenged person I am along with the fact, I had never posted on any kind of site before, I actually emailed another poster who had attended a tournament at son's HS. I finally got the courage (actually just figured out how to most likely!) to join and make that first post.

Like I said, it was too late to drive the journey for recruiting, but was invaluable in giving us answers on what to do with what he had that senior year. I can remember sending Bob a PM asking about something and was AMAZED at his quick and thoughtful response. As I began to communicate in posts and PMs with people, I began to truly see the kinds of people that made up HSBBW. I thought then and continue to believe, there is just no place like this one.

To say I'm grateful for what it's contributed to our (my) life is an understatement. I bow to all the wonderful folks here, that have been here, and that will continue to come. Baseball is a wonderful game made even more special by the friendships it brings into our lives. HSBBW has allowed us all to do just that as well as help with the practicalities of moving our sons along their paths.

Thank you Bob, Julie, posters, and lurkers. Merry Christmas to all!
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One of the things I have always enjoyed was sitting in the stands listening to parents who have "been there-done that" offer advice - not the blowhard parents bragging about their kids, but the ones who will only offer the advice if asked and if they see your kid has promise. That is the HSBBW times a thousand! I also found it through PG, and lurked for a year, before joining. It came just at the right time, as my son entered travel ball and varsity high school ball. Now I tell others about this site (if they ask). Thanks to everyone for wising me up and Merry Christmas...
I think I found this site around the fall of 1998, when our first son was a senior in high school. We didn't know a thing about college baseball recruiting and didn't know anyone who did. I won't ever forget how desperate I felt. We knew how to apply for academic, merit, and even Ag scholarships, but not baseball.

My first questions were very basic and everyone was extremely patient and helpful. Our son eventually found a good college program despite our ignorance and the knowledge we gained through the process made the road less stressful the second time around.

We've been through so much since I first found this site. The ups and downs have been incredible and so has been the support. I'll never forget the kind personal message I received after our oldest struck out 4 times in one college game with scouting directors in the stands... or all of the congrats we received after his MLB debut 3 years later. Its been a rollercoaster ride from the start!

God speaks to us in many ways...sometimes through the most unlikely people. So many times I've heard Him whisper direction and encouragement through the posts on this site. Thanks HSBBWeb, Julie, and Bob for making a positive difference in our lives!

Merry Christmas!
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I could pile on the compliments but they would pale in comparison to the compliment Bob gave her when he gave her the keys to the HSBBW. That has to be the ultimate compliment!

Fungo, how very true, and how scary! Bob could have sold this site, but he didn't. He turned it over to me for free. I was very thankful for the chance to try to help keep it going the way he had intended, but what big shoes to fill! Every time I look through all the non-forum pages of this site, I am in awe of all the work and all the wonderful information he put into this, and I have to admit that there have been many times in the past 1-1/2 years when I have been afraid of screwing things up! And most times that I read through posts here in the forums, I am also in awe of how many members contribute so much with their knowledge and kindness.


"and now the Age of Julie." Now you promised you wouldn't go telling my age! But of course you know that I'm not really the one who runs this site. I might be the housekeeper behind the scenes, but all of the moderators and members, the people who really ARE the HS Baseball Web, keep it going in the right direction. Thank you so much to all of you!

I think it was early in '05, and I'll also give credit to PG Staff for steering me over here. He wrote in one of his columns awhile back that he was a big fan of HSBBW, and that was enough to make me curious. Thanks Jerry.
Actually, I used to spend a lot more time on the PG site before I found this little piece of heaven. I kind of miss keeping up with all the showcase stuff, but with son in college now I don't really go there as much. I wish there were more hours in the day so I could spend more time on both.
Cheers to one and all for making this a great place to check in to the baseball world. Most of all, thanks to you Julie. Merry Christmas!
I first saw the site late 90s (98ish)... I didn't join as a memeber but used lots of the articles for information, I think I did a search to try to find out the odds of playing college or pro ball... and found my way to the site. I then proceeded to read just about every Article. Son had just started travel ball, and I didn't have the experience to contribute at that time. I was spending time on INFOSports forums.

I joined somewhere along the line... stopped for a while.. forgot username and password, and then finally joined for good here beginning of oldest son's junior year as I had specific questions, and felt I could then contribute.

Have learned a lot and hope I can help share some insights, and return the favor...
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Wow reading all this reminds me once again how much water went under the bridge before I discovered this place in 2005.

I consider myself lucky that I found HSBBW when I did. My son was in 8th grade, plenty of time for me to take advantage of all the blessings all of you bring to this place.

I can't imagine trying to advise a HS baseball playing son who hopes to play at the next level without this site.
Wow, I cannot even remember that far back. lol This is the most useful site for any parent who has a son that aspires to play college ball. It is unmatched in its information and membership. The professionals and parents who contribute here are the best sort of people.

Julie is a remarkable, humble and wise person who has my utmost respect and gratitude.

Happy Holidays to all.
Wow - every post in this thread is awesome!

I discovered the site after my son had signed. I was curious about the future as SDBB suggests. What were the odds and so forth... Not so good I have learned Big Grin I couldn't believe there were actual scouts who shared knowledge on here like bbscout or college and high school coaches willing to share their knowledge.

It has become my main social activity. I have discovered that I enjoy hanging out with baseball people and find they are most like me. I don't care what your background is other than your love of baseball. Some of the wisest people can be found here on the hsbbweb. Thanks Bob and of course Julie... she works extremely hard behind the scenes...

I have also found that everyone has something special to contribute in their own unique ways. There are some who annoy me at times and then will turn around and post something so sensitive it will bring a tear to your eye.

I try to share what has worked for me in the past and often it has nothing to do with baseball. I come from an ethnic family who migrated here from Russia and other parts just before the Bolshevic Revolution. They brought with them a blue-collar work ethic and I have found these hard-working principles continue to apply toward success - no matter what the endeavor.
I think it was spring of 2002, just sat and viewed for a while then signed up.
I for one have gotten a tremendous education here. I can remember printing up the "timeline" numerous times and read it like "Gospel".

For anyone who visits this site, you can't help be enjoy yourself as you learn. There is so much knowledge that is being passed down adn newbies step up they prove their value. No one here is to smart to learn and no one should feel that they have nothing to contibute.

Thank You to all my "friends" here.
I'm guessing I've been on here for 5 or 6 years, but according to my time sheets, it's been 15 years (The attorneys on here will get it).

There is no better source of baseball knowledge than this site, and it has been a pleasure to meet several folks in person. This site has held my hand in the recruiting of two sons, a redshirt season, a reaaaaaal inactive season, a transfer and all that entails, ups and downs of GPA's, girl friends, and a thankfully brief bout with the dreaded dip. I have likely printed out at least 20 threads for my sons to read at various times and left the pages where they'd see them, which is real effective communication method at times when dealing with somebody who already knows it all. We now have two sons playing together on the same college team and will sit back and enjoy that for a couple years, and then pray the oldest finds a job. Smile
Before the word "google" was in the Wedster dictionary, I was paddling through the web in 2002 looking for recruiting information and stumbled on this site. What I found most interesting was that it was a group of people that not only wanted to share their experiences, but also were looking for other people that shared their sons committment for the game. What is unique is that it is a smart group that will go outside the box to share their opinions and at the same time will accept anothers, or defend their own.

The perfect world would have all of us sitting together in one section watching a weekend of games, and all of our ballplayers sitting in the next section, and a tailgate before and after.
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Like several others, I discovered the site sometime in late 2001 or early 2002 ... but well after I should have and didn't get to benefit from all the knowledge and wisdom and information before our son was getting ready to look into college ball. But fortunately it worked out for him (we apparently did some things right despite not finding the site but it probably would have been a lot easier with a link to the HSBBWeb) and I continue to enjoy following so many of our fellow members' sons as they take the ride that means playing at the next level (whatever that level may be).

May God bless everybody this coming year with health (especially for our sons on the field Wink ), prosperity (which can mean many things, not just $$$), and success at all levels. Please be safe this holiday season and enjoy the wonderment that comes from being parents.

Mary Ann

P S And Julie ... thank you for all your hard work and your wonderful friendship. I love you.
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I think I found HSWBB about 4 years ago when I was looking for good baseball related websites to link to our travel teams webpage. My first introduction to HSWBB was to the outstanding articles that were posted on the home page.

After a couple of years I finally realized there was a HSWBB message board (I'm a little slow sometimes), after that my baseball world changed forever. I am sometimes embarrassed at how much time I spend on here. The reason… great information, great insight (and some not so...) but most importantly, great people!

I will be forever grateful to what Bob and Julie have given us. Thanks to all of those that contribute to make this the best message board on the internet.
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I can't remember what year it was, but the thing I liked at first were the guys from Tn.I am including Alabama as a suburb of TN. Smile They were funny and knowledgeable.I learned a lot about the ins and outs of preparing for college from many people.

I had an old computer that was real slow and I also just had dial up which drove me crazy. TR had his chat room and we would get on there each week and tell lies, which was fun. The only problem was the computer would lock up or you would get bumped off the chat room and then you could not get back on. Things are much smoother with a new puter and high speed internet, but the old days were a lot of fun.
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I forgot something.

I forgot to mention OPP (OnePlayersPop). OPP doesn't post much anymore, but you can find him hanging out sometimes in chat.

For those of you who do not know, OPP is Zach Duke's dad. I have learned a lot from OPP. OPP is the same OPP he was when I first read about Zach, way back before he became a major league player. I have learned a lot from him, not just about baseball, but important things about life and how he raised a baseball son. I enjoy how he interacts with the players that come into chat and the new folks who drop in. We could all learn a lot from him. I know someone who knows Zach well, and I can tell you his folks have done a fine job.
For me, it's parents like him that I think have made this place special, for me.

Thank you Tom.
I found this site several years back and have been addicted ever since. I have to say I’m amazed by the previous posts. It sounds like many of the folks who have gone before me were as clueless as I am now yet have so much knowlege now. We all do have a couple of things in common though – a love of baseball and a desire to give our sons every (good and reasonable) opportunity we can.

For the parents of the older guys out there – I don’t know how you do it. When my kids go off to college I think I will go with them – can’t imagine not having them around. I can’t imagine not being there for sons games. As you all have counseled each of us, enjoy every minute before they are off.

My best wishes for a great Christmas to all and a special prayer to all our ballplayers that they have a great year!

I hope one day I can be of assistance to the next set of new posters.
I found this site in 2001 from searching the internet for a topic I no longer remember. It has been a wonderful site. Son was starting his freshman year of HS, playing national travel ball, and beginning to get some attention. I came looking for advice and empathy from folks who understood the roller coaster ride. Smile We learned so much and were able to keep a lid on the stress levels by knowing that we were not alone in our recruiting experiences. I stayed very active all through high school and into college, providing information where I could and sharing experiences. Son is now in his sophomore year of college and still playing the game he loves. My current schedule doesn't allow me to visit as often as I'd like lately, but each time it is like coming home. This is still a wonderful and unique site and I hope it continues for a very long time. Smile Happy Holidays!
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I found this site a long time ago, sometime in the 90s. It has been informative and great and now repetitive, which believe it or not sometimes is more interesting. I remember many posters who no longer are around and I wonder sometimes what become of them. One in particular, the Principal, had a nephew that played at Liberty. One day the Principal disappeared and we discovered he had died. It was very sad. Other posters have shared great times and tragedies and it has evolved into a community that is constantly stable, changing and dynamic all at the same time. What a great place for baseball and so much more.
Less than a year ago another parent made a passing comment about info she'd picked up on HSBBW. I went home and found it, began reading, and did a little happy-dance! Son is a freshman with college aspirations, and the info I've already picked up has made the path much clearer. The folks I've "met" here are ones I'd be happy and eager to meet IRL (often that's not true on web forums.) I've been excited to point other serious ball families in this direction--share the wealth!

Thanks for everything, so far, HSBBW friends! You are the BEST.
Merry Christmas to all you wonderful baseball people. I rarely post because I know so little about baseball I prefer to learn from all the experts here, but this is the time of year to give thanks for everything in life that makes us happy. I discovered this site as my son was entering his freshman year at a new high school, we knew very few people, just a core group of baseball players( and didn't even know them well). I printed the timeline, got fascinated reading the archives, and spent alot of time that summer reprinting an entire BIG binder of incredible info. I have learned so much reading this site and it has helped guide our family through the maze of baseball and academics. Son is now a junior and I am on here, sometimes several times a day, still learning. This next year we hope to ride the roller coaster of recruiting and will continue to learn from all the experienced posters here. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences and expertise. Thank you Bob and Julie for creating and maintaining such a wonderful source of inspiration and information with this site. Thanks to all the posters I have sent pm's to, they respond with such helpful info and attitudes. I am amazed how nice all of you baseball people are!



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