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My son has decided to go the JUCO route after looking at some 4 year schools and not really feeling comfortable with them. We have narrowed our search down to 2 or 3 colleges due to location, housing, coaches, etc. He was offered by one of them but hasn't visited or even heard back from the others. Everyone says don't get in a rush, but if we have eliminated all of the options and he is comfortable with the school that has offered, I wonder what we are waiting for? Why not sign and be done. Am I wrong? I mean, we know he is not going to accept a D-2 or D-1 offer because he knows he won't play early, plus they havn't been beating down our door anyway. So Why wait? Why not go ahead and sign? Right?
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I agree. We went through the same situation. However, it took my son two or three weeks to come to the conclusion I had immediately. Once he was sure that's what he wanted and that he would be happy and wouldn't change his mind regardless of what might be offered, he called the Coach and verbally committed.

As it turns out he had a number of calls and contacts but felt peace with his decision and enjoyed his Senior year immensely without the pressure of deciding where to go to school.
Last edited by Prime9
Thanks Prime9

I know that he will probably get several looks during and after his spring season, but we know where all of the schools are in our area and we know he doesn't want to go to far from home his first years in college, so if we know what is out there and already know he's not interested, why bother to wait? Besides, most of those looks he will get will probably be because someone else has backed out on them, not because they wanted my son to begin with.
I think there is something also to be said about knowing what you want in a school. My son was getting an offer 12 hours from home from a D1 school, but found a school he really liked 2 hours from home that was D2. He decided to accept the D2 scholarship offer, because the coaching staff, college, and distance from home was what he wanted. Too many times kids get caught up in going D1 (just because it is D1) rather than going where they fit best and would be happiest.
We heard back from the last school my son is interested in. Scheduled a visit for Friday. If they offer he will make a decision between the two schools and probably commit within a couple of weeks to the one he chooses. I'm already feeling a great sense of relief and so is he. I asked him if he would be OK with it when he got looks and calls this spring. He said it didn't matter, he is comfortable with his decision. Now we're both looking forward to the rest of his basketball season and the spring baseball season with no pressure, no more visits, and no more workouts in 30 degree weather.

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