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Let’s work it backwards and let's look at showcasing as an investment in a player’s future. A player should (must..better..has to) showcase the summer after his junior year of high school. Anything you do prior to that summer will only improve his odds of being seen by pro scouts and college coaches.
There are many pros of showcasing early and only a few cons. The pros would include, the opportunity to place yourself along side other players to see how you stack up. You would also become more comfortable as you become more accustomed to the showcase formats. The more you showcase, the better your chances of being seen by a coach that needs your talents. Plus, no one ever discusses the “fun and exciting” part of showcasing. Some of the best times my son had was getting the opportunity to match up against some of the best players in the nation.
The main “con” of showcasing is the expense. The showcase itself is just a part of the total expense. Travel, room, meals and in some cases, parents having to miss work can get very costly. Do all you can and have fun doing it!!

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Well said Fungo!

Son started early, between Frosh and Soph. year. Midwest Prospects in July, then PG/WWBA in Oct. This summer will be Junior Olympics and atleast 2 more PG/WWBA. Maybe it's too much, but he's learned alot & is very motivated.

We decided to give it a try, because he's always played up (or on a high profile summer team) and was the first freshman to make Varsity, in 27 yrs of the school (5A with 16 District Championships). For him, it seems to be working.
My son attended his first showcase the summer after his sophmore season. We went to three that summer and he had a great time. He also played on a good summer team that year. We did a few more during the school year, like holiday showcases. After his jr. season we went to two more, both in june. He started getting letters from several colleges. ON july 1st he got a phone call from the school he was hoping for, verbally commited in aug.and signed in Nov. All I can say is thank God for showcases! I see nothing wrong with going to showcases after freshmen season , get your feet wet early. The more you attend the better your chances of being seen.
I agree with TRHit. When you become a varsity starter.

It's also a good idea to understand the showcase format as early as possible. Don't wait until after your Junior year to experience your first. There's much to be said for having experienced the format and understand what's going on and what happens next, and next. Familiarity, help you perform better -- just like playing at home. Attend local (low cost) showcases early to better prepare yourself for the bigger showcases down the road.

- Whoever said a walk was as good as a hit, couldn't hit.
Wow!! I'm so glad I found this board (and wish I had found it two years ago). My oldest son '04 will be attending his first showcase this summer (PG Unsigned Senior). We are all very new to this process. The only thing outside of HS and rec ball he has done is go to a local pitching camp last summer.

I just hope we're not way too late. He has sent out the letters, and replied to the forms, and sent out his schedules and registered for Clearinghouse.

Although we're prepared to pay for college, we think he would have a much better experience if he were playing ball.

We're hoping he does well at this showcase, and at least gets a walk-on invite for a JUCO here in Alabama.

Are these realistic expectations this late in the game??

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