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I have been following several of the newer threads where posters have gone back and forth (or as my old Danish employer used to say 'forth and back'), at times being a bit 'snotty' with each other, perhaps a bit short-tempered, and some even downright rude. It seems to me that at times "we" have come a long way from helping fulfill the mission of the HSBBW (a site intended to help our sons advance to the next level) and we are failing to focus on how truly blessed we all are for having wonderful sons (most of the time) who have a God-given talent for playing a game that we all love.

Quite often, it seems, the order of priorities in our lives goes askew and we forget to be thankful for what we have. Instead we put our entire beings and energy into our individual sons' baseball identities, as though they were nothing more. We question coaches' decisions; we question the talent of other players who are on the field while our sons are riding the pine (or straddling the bullpen mound); we question the fairness of life for a baseball player ... when in fact we all know that life is not always going to be fair to us and/or our children and loved ones. Instead of teaching our sons how to deal with the adversities of the game, we bicker amongst ourselves trying to justify our own actions and/or validate our own replies to another's queries.

Well, in the past 24 hours I have read forum threads here and e-mails from close friends where life really hasn't treated people/children fairly ... on HSBBW we learn of a newborn (Lane) who is struggling for life and a father (Kenneth) who has been given a sad prognosis indeed; in my personal mail I have heard from two friends ... one whose beloved husband died suddenly last week at the age of 55, leaving her and their 3 sons devastated (she was a former poster on HSBBW and that is how I met her) and another whose son is dealing with the loss of a close friend to suicide and learned that my son's father-in-law has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer.

These stories, friends, are perfect examples of where life is NOT fair. Having our sons get pine splinters on their rumps, having confrontations (hostile or not) with high school coaches who are 'unfair' to our sons, having (in some cases) delusions of grandeur regarding the level of our sons' talents, even going so far as to see our sons have to deal with the loss of their dream ... something that does indeed cause them to grieve ... these things are so "not worth getting our undies in a knot over" that it is almost sad to see the intensity in which they are debated.

I know that I have been party to some of the less than noble comments in the past, and I indeed now find myself deleting posts soon after I have written them because they seem mean spirited and/or unnnecessary. If I can be so bold, the past 24 hours have been a real 'come-to-Jesus-meeting' for me and my conscience and I think that sometimes we could all use one of those to reconsider how we are treating our fellow parents, our coaches, and our fellow websters.

Thank you for taking the time to consider these thoughts.

Mary Ann Shappi
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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These points are well-taken...

I will be honest though, there are some topics that are routinely brought up that some hiding behind a screen-name seem to instigate harsh replies. The motto here should be politeness/kindness but it is a two-way street and that includes newbies who may be hiding behind some other banned name.

Topics like over-reaching parents or politics and the broad sweeping statements that can sometimes be made...

Or, topics about coaches that paint too broadly, perhaps calling them vindictive (or other names) or perhaps implying their decisions can be purchased by a wealthy doner...

There are more important things in life and that is a great point. But asking people to be polite without starting topics that get in one group or another's faces is not asking too much imho. In the spirit of your fine topic however, I will try harder next time before hitting the send key with anger attached Smile

wonderful post. I have not been posting on this site as often as I used to because it seems like you said a little hostile at times. I believe this is a good site. I have had a lot of great support and have learned a lot about the recruiting process and HS baseball etc.'
But it is so true that our boys are more than baseball, and we should thank God that they are healthy and good people.
Sometimes we get lost in the playtime and the coaches and stats etc. at the end of the day what really matters is what kind of young men are we molding, what kind of fathers and husbands will they be. Will they be physiaclly and mentally healthy.
So great post , your words were well taken and puts perspective into the big picture of life. Thanks Fan of game
infielddad ...
As this site becomes more popular, I think CD is also correct that there are more who come to this site with "other motives."

Understand completely and I felt that way about a particular poster last week who was maligning the 'softer' side of this site compared to other sites. It seems as tho some would have us all bickering amongst ourselves for the mere sport of it, if you can call it sport. So it is my fervant wish for this site that the rabble rousers would find a home somewhere else where their negativity is better appreciated. I think sometimes we fall into their traps, myself included, and I think we need to ponder what we say and avoid responding such that those folks get their wish.

Hope all is well with your son.

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