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Look at the athletes of today----they get arrested, say I am sorry and go on---why are we coddling them?

All they do is break the law and say " I am sorry"

Strip joints are one thing but why an entourage and guns in the belts---"OOPs I am sorry"

OH--is that a drug on the back seat ? --"OOPs I am sorry".

Gee !!! officer I didnt realize I had no insurance or that my license was suspended--nobody told me-- "OOPs I am sorry"

It has become a very sick world but we want to be politically correct in what we say---isnt it time to stand up and be counted ????
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Athletes are just anoter member of our society acting as our society acts. I have often asked myself: What should I do when it comes to making a positive impact on society. In reality I influence very few people outside my immediate family. But at the same time if I have a positive impact on my family and they in turn do the same with their families will that not eventually impact a great deal of people? Sure I could give my opinions and map out a game plan of what I think is right and wrong and how things “really are” according to Fungo but all that would do is polarize those around me and create dissention. We see how differing opinions on a simple game of baseball can create animosities ---- what if I were to give my opinion on how a person should live their life? Talk about animosities!! I think individuals have to take care of their own business and allow other to do the same within the guidelines of our laws. I have an 11 year old niece that is starting to dress and look “Goth” and her parents don’t have a clue. Do I “inform” them of what they should do with their child? No I just watch things unfold. I have no choice. After all what is wrong with looking Goth?

I agree this world is a confusing place and I’m amazed at what takes place on a daily basis. For instance I received and email the other day that asked: “If you have to pass a drug test in order to earn a living, shouldn’t you be able to demand that welfare recipients pass a drug test too? After all they are receiving part of your salary from the taxes you paid.” When I read this I thought --- This makes sense but trying to implement this would do nothing but create havoc. This would be political suicide for an elected official to address. While politicians are the answer to improving our society, it seems that today’s politicians are focused on preserving THEIR political future and NOT improving our society. Throw in a dose of media that feeds our impressionable youth a diet of programming that glorifies criminals, humanizes terrorist, and beautifies people that have disfigured their bodies with one total coverage tattoo and we have just created and environment like you describe in your post. We can always vote.
Fungo (on his soapbox)
Last year, my son made a boneheaded move and got a VERY tough consequence at his school. His punishment, while fairly devastating, completely turned him around and he has made very wise decisions ever since.

It's too bad that tough consequences aren't handed out more often at home, at school, and in society the first time someone messes up. Then, maybe things would be nipped in the bud and we wouldn't be dealing with larger problems like shootings, drug use, etc.
Last edited by Infield08
As a coach for over 25 years and as a teacher for 35 I have seen a dramatic change. It simply mirrors our society. I call it the blame game. It is not my fault it is because of somebody else. How many times do you hear cut me a break, let me slide. In school the kid is acting up or misbehaving because of some condition. He or she does not do their work and is failing because of x y and z. Many kids today do things that are wrong and they think everything is ok if they say they are sorry. dont yell at a kid. dont correct them dont fail them. You might hurt their self esteem. Everybody gets a trophy. Well you get the idea.

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