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Welcome, bblife.

My guess is that there was too much mention of the player's name.

I noticed the deletions but didn't get too upset. I thought it was helpful to know of the event and including the name of the player saved me from doing a lot of Googling. But in the end, like a lot of posts (not just mine Wink ) there wasn't much value for the general reader. We can vent but we can't influence.

What happened is a real shame. How it's being handled at this early point is questionable, but not unusual in today's PC and litigious world.
Last edited by infidel_08
Yes, it was deleted because of the mentions of a player's name.

Several moderators consulted on what to do about the threads. We realize that the situation is being reported publicly in newspapers and online. It is news, and this story may serve as a lesson to other teenagers or young men.

It was not a clear-cut decision, but several of us moderators reached an agreement that the pain this type of discussion can inflict on a family - a real mom and dad like most of us who post here, and a real son who they love in spite of some apparent very serious mistakes - just wasn't something we wanted to continue to kick around in our forums. Personally I was saddened at a few posts that seemed to take some pleasure in the discussion, but most of our posters here seemed to be reasonable and concerned citizens and parents.

Not everyone will agree with this decision, and that's fine. Moderators make difficult decisions here almost every day, and we don't always reach concensus even when we do put our heads together about a situation. But if I'm going to make a mistake as the "head housekeeper", I'd rather err on the side of respecting a family's privacy and the difficult time they are going through.

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Yes, it was deleted because of the mentions of a player's name.

Several moderators consulted on what to do about the threads. We realize that the situation is being reported publicly in newspapers and online. It is news, and this story may serve as a lesson to other teenagers or young men.

It was not a clear-cut decision, but several of us moderators reached an agreement that the pain this type of discussion can inflict on a family - a real mom and dad like most of us who post here, and a real son who they love in spite of some apparent very serious mistakes - just wasn't something we wanted to continue to kick around in our forums. Personally I was saddened at a few posts that seemed to take some pleasure in the discussion, but most of our posters here seemed to be reasonable and concerned citizens and parents.

Not everyone will agree with this decision, and that's fine. Moderators make difficult decisions here almost every day, and we don't always reach concensus even when we do put our heads together about a situation. But if I'm going to make a mistake as the "head housekeeper", I'd rather err on the side of respecting a family's privacy and the difficult time they are going through.


I believe I read all of the posts on this subject. I cannot recall any of your members taking any kind of pleasure during this families toughest of times.
Some of your members did however take the other side of this issue when stating that he should not be able to play this year. As a matter of fact I believe everyone of your members who posted threads on this subject wished this young man well in the future as I do now.
It would have been better if we could have had an open discussion without using the young man's name.Don't you think it could only help to get it out in the open so we can find away to fix this problem.Taking the topic down makes me feel like we are just hiding from the real issue. I for one am tired of our youth falling prey to this sad situation.
Originally posted by 08BaseballFreak:
I agree there are lines that should not be crossed but I also agree by not saying anything means it's OK.

I'll strongly, but respectfully disagree with you on this one. I don't think anyone thinks what happened is OK. Perhaps, if it had been discussed a little less personally (meaning no names) the threads might have survived.

You might try to start such a thread and speak a little more generally. That might survive. But for me, I posted what I felt I wanted to post. I have nothing more to add at this time.
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