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Can someone explain to me why it is that we can fill a giant stadium for a HS football game, but can't seem to get 50 folks to show up for a baseball game.

What kind of HS baseball town do you live in? What is the support like? Good or bad, how do you think it got that way? And what can be done to improve the attendance of the games and support for the local team?

Personally I think it's some kind of chicken and egg thing. Start winning and folks will show up.

How about show up folks and they'll start winning!!
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I have thought about this same thing. The problem is, we live in a f***ball is king state. The cheerleaders, the band, the drill team all have to be at football games, no one even asks them to show up for baseball. Another problem a lot of Athletic Director/Head Football Coaches discourage thier f***ball players to play baseball. Its treated like a lower class sport at a lot of schools. The only way it will ever change it here in Texas is if we put a baseball in the hands of our grandkids (when we have them) instead of a football when they are babies. WOW OFF THE SOAP BOX NOW
Folks this is not a HIGH SCHOOL thing - football is the "KING" at the college level too.

Go to Texas A&M - it is depressing to see Olson Field next to Kyle Field.

This is Texas and football is king. It is interesting that it is the same way in other "baseball" states like Florida and California. In fact, football may be bigger in those states that it is even in Texas.

If you want to see something different, go to the Northeast. Up there basketball is the most popular sport by far - even surpassing football. In the years that I lived up there I was shocked at the low attendance at Varisty football games. The crowd looked like a typical 8th grade game in Texas.
Last edited by crawdad
Unfortunately, the boys at dtiger and I had to resort to facebook. We invited about 500-800 people a game just to remind people that we are playing. Two years ago our senior class went to everything everyone went to every game for every sport (football,baskteball,baseball). I that was a extremely successful class in all sports.

We are undefeated in district right now and we have had anywhere between 20-100 people a game. 100 might be a reach but we did fill our bleachers which was a first since freshman year.

so maybe if your desperate then have your sons invite on facebook.
I think it is a combination of several factors. First you need to live in a community where school loyalty is important. Next you need to build on the support by getting everyone involved. You do this by having summer camps and telling those kids how bad you want to see them in the stands next year. Talk to them - Let players sign autographs. Get the local elem. school involved in a dot race chosen by essays graded by their teachers. A child attending a game brings two parents as well as brothers and sisters. Announcements during school hours. Signs in the community that there is a game tonight. Give-aways ~ Foul ball promotions ~ local businesses hanging up team posters and schedules. Be newspaper friendly and communicate all news to the media. Talk to your lower level teams on wanting them to be at Varsity games when they can and see how much faster the game is. The way to change it is by working on it and don't stop.

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