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hey everyone, 


I remember in High school we used the 1B side dugout, but since one of the old coaches switched and i guess it stuck. Now all teams we play except 1 that i can think of use the 3B dugout for home and 1B for the away team. I've been thinking of switching back this year. 


So, which dugout do you use and why?

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The best one . From traveling around and being in lots of dugouts as a coach, what I find is it really comes down to "best" dugout for whatever reason. some it is closest to get to, some it is the bigger of the 2, or the benches. My son's HS team switched a few years ago. they always used !B dugout as home because it was right by the parking lot. They switched because they put a hitting barn/ locker room attached to 3b dugout because it had space behind to do that.

Our high school used the first base side. I'm guessing it's because it's closer to the batting cages and the better bullpen. I spent three years looking into the sun watching games. We told the coach we would build a better bullpen on the other side of the field if he would switch. Facilities wouldn't allow it. Volunteer dads are non union work. You should have seen the redesign for the baseball field had local companies been allowed to volunteer materials and work. No, instead we had to raise money and bid out materials. Then let Facilities build crappy dugouts and no stands.

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