Big fish in small pond....
Small fish in Ocean...
or somewhere in between...
That is the key to help give your son the best opportunity to achieve his dreams... (whatever they may be....) Be it baseball... Your son needs to play... NO one will see him if he is sitting on the bench. So have him play against as high of competition as he possibly can and still get significant time. I'd suggest at minimum 75 to 80% for position players.. (you'd prefer more) C's are probaly more like 50 to 65% especially tournaments.
Competing against competition that over whelms him won't help either. You don't want him "SEEN" if he's stiking out and over-matched. (of course he probably won't be seeing significant playing time if that occurs unless the entire team is over its head.)
Coaching is also a big consideration...
former pro-coach who is reportedly excellent
Sounds like an excellent opportunity to me..
Consider.. is it better?... to be #4 catcher knowing #1 will get the bulk of time, #2 will get alot of the rest... #4 will see time in the bullpen and maybe some mop-up duty..
Or #2 on a team that will play a competitive schedule and a coach that will greatly improve your son's skills.
Of course if son is good enough to be #1 on top team... Duh that's easy...
So now is the time to do your homework and figure this out... (and you may be wrong at times) You have this fall to go and see how each team is conducted... Take that opportunity, and then REALISTICALLY evaluate your son's talent (or get outside opinions) and find the right fit.