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Here in MD, my favorite is Mike Gottlieb at Towson University. I have had numerous summer players over the years play at the three major baseball universities in MD (Univ of MD, U.M.B.C and Towson). I have liked all the coaches, but in my opinion, Gottlieb is the cream of the crop. He gets alot out of his players, promotes a high graduation rate, and does well in a conference regardless of his scholarship allotment.
You're not likely to get a consensus here Kimosabe. Everyone has their favs. Others may get blasted unfairly. It's best do your homework through back channels i.e. checking rosters, grad rates, transfers, APR, and general consistency over time. PMs to parents or alums is also a great way to get info. Check out"Where are They" over on the left tab to see which parents had sons at schools that your son may have interest in.
I've found the head coach is normally a nice relaxed guy, cause hes got the good job and makes the decent $. the first assistant (if theres 2 assistants) gets paid a not so comfortable lifestyle salary and/or has another job after baseball, and its his responsibility to be the guy who straightens things out (the drill sergeant type of guy). the third coach or the minimally paid, or volunteer guy is the man who helps everyone out the most, and is more buddy buddy with everyone cause after all he doesnt get paid enough to yell at anyone, and he seems to be in it more for the passion to be around the game.
this is MY experience im sure its different for everyone

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