Who needs pitch counts?
Certainly not the Texas Rangers, according to Nolan Ryan. He is instilling the philosophy in the organization top to bottom that “you start a game to finish is” and forget about pitch counts.
Now I certainly don’t have the experience in this area of a Nolan Ryan, but I like his approach and I agree with TR Hits byline that “Kids today don’t throw enough”. My son has been a long tosser since 12 and throws LT daily even the day after pitching. (abet not as aggressive). He does band work daily, and warms up properly, he runs after pitching, does not use ice, and generally follows Mr. Ryan’s approach. (with assistance from Alan Jaeger) He usually completes games (typically 100 pitches) he says he feels like he could throw 3 more innings with no problems.
This will be interesting to watch as I think baseball is becoming too “pitch count focused” and not “pitch count prepared” through long toss, band, stretching, running, etc.
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