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This will depends on the team deepness. How many seniors and juniors are actually starters?
Every year will arive new players, and every starter is suppose to play till senior year, what mean that several sophos will seat for one more year, or will start at a different position till next year. The exception is if the sopho is a lot better than the junior or senior playing that position. If the sophomore can hit he will play somewhere.

"Peace is, the respect for the other people's rights".
Benito Juarez
Where should he be, skill-wise, to make the varsity?

Simple if there are no special rules to making a team other than being one of the best in the allotted group. If the coach has a quota of 18 players, then he must be one of the 18 best who tryout. If there are politics and favoratism, then there is no standard.

Knowledge is Power! Thank you Mavens and HSBBWEB!
The best 9 should take the field. The remaining players selected should be the best remaing ones that fill the rest of the roster. Grade classification shouldn't matter.

I'm guessing you are looking at this from a 5A-6A school classification situation. In smaller classification schools, Sophmores and even Freshmen often make the starting line up, where they would be JV at larger classification schools. My youngest son is in that situation. He will most likely start as a freshman at a 1A school this spring, but wouldn't sniff the lineup at a 5A school. He would be JV and MIGHT make the 25 man roster for varsity.
I like the way my son's coach does it.

Its based almost PURELY on perceived ability.

If you are not a starter or top 5 Pitcher (or as soph not a top 3 SP), you will play JV unless you are a senior, and only a couple seniors will be carried as backups (you better have hustled and had a good attitude the 3 previous years), rest of seniors are dropped.

Often, he will only have 10 (1 sub) KIDS that can bat on Varsity team at any given time. The rest start on JV. And a couple Pitchers are used as emergency replacements.

However, he can pull kids up and down between levels depending on injuries etc... And if there is no JV game scheduled, then 3-4 of the top JV players will go with the Varsity team.

This way players get MAXIMUM playing time, and develoment time. So if that Soph can't start varsity, he'll get more playing time on JV. Thus my vote.
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The best 18 or so should make the team regardless of class. The best 9 should start regardless of class. Seniority and nepotisim breed mediocrity! Just because an individual is a sophomore don't penalize him because he is better than a senior. On the other hand, do not bring a sophomore up and sit him on the bench, leave him on jv, to get experience.
At our large 5-A high school here in Houston, we have a varsity squad of about 16. If an underclassmen junior doesn't start on varisty, he plays "down" on the JV. If he is a sophomore or freshman, he either plays on the sophomore or JV squad. Very rarely (maybe one every 5 years) a talented freshman might start on varsityc here.

What our coach does is suit up a few of the role-playing JV players for the varsity game, which follows the JV game.

No underclassman should be sitting the bench on the varsity and not playing when the school has the luxury of having a junior varsity or sophomore squad.
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Just a story to share. When my son entered HS, they had all heard about him, I think they were considering varsity. I asked that he be placed on JV and he had a great year. He played every game, in different positions ,though he is a pitcher. He makes varsity end of freshman year. Sophomore year, he is considered pitcher only as seniors get to play positions. He is miserable on the bench, waiting for his rotation. He becomes the team "cheer leader".
Junior year he has accepted that he may have a future in baseball and respects his coaches decision to pitch only and occasionally play first or center field, very few at bats. He sits on the bench but still is the team "cheer- leader".
He plays this summer with a high profile team and never plays any position other than pitcher. He now has grown and matured and accepts not being able to be in every game. He is the summer team "cheerleader".
We go to official visits. Now, we know they want him for pitching, "what else do you like about our son," we ask. Answer always the same, "we are impressed with how he lifts the team and brings them together, he is like the team "cheerleader". Son gets great scholarship.
I guess those days of "cheerleading" paid off.
Chicks and Texas,
Thanks, that story just came to mind when I saw this poll. They wanted him for varsity his first year, we are glad he decided to play JV as he needed time to mature, grow and HAVE FUN.
This is also a good example of those "intangibles" coaches and scouts look for in a player. Smile
Glad to see you've reclaimed your spot. You're better at it anyway Wink

I agree with those who say not unless he's a starter. Sitting on the bench as a sophmore doesn't help him at all.

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

My son got to pitch 7 innings as a junior, was voted by his teamates as "Most Inspirational" for 2003.

When asked, why by his mother, one of the league's best lead-off hitters said it was because he never let up!

He never let up and kept guys on the bench in the game. He ended up being the bullpen catcher, played a little third, and was the loudest one in the dugout (I'm the loudest one in the stands, so he comes by that trait naturally).

Can he pitch at this level? No question, YES! he ended up theyear with 7ip, 12 k's, 6 bb, and no earned runs!

But there was this senior, not better but as good, who'd payed his dues, for four years, and deserved to start!

I feel very strongly that if the players are close in skill + or -, the senior gets the nod!

This year, it's his turn to shine! If a sphomore takes his place, he better be a whole lot better!
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I am of a firm belief the best person should not always make the team there are a thousand things to consider. But most importantly if a sophomore is the 16th or 17th best player on the varsity and maybe the number 3 player at his position wouldn't it be better for him to stay on the JV and get playing time so he can continue to develope rather than languish on the bench.

I understand you need quality players on the bench but you are talking about 6th or 7th player off the bench. Most games I have seen the coach only gets in 6 or 7 subs if the game is a blowout. I know it is different state to state as far as quality but at my old hs if the game is a competitive game maybe 1 or 2 substitutes are made. If I had a son or daughter who was a soph I would want him/her at whichever level he/she gets significant playing time.

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