In a recent post on another topic, PG Staff wrote "Many of the best players claim they learned the game from their dad." Sometimes reading through the many posts on the HSBBW it seems like almost everyone is sending their son to an instructor - pitching, hitting, etc. Some of us (like me) aren't able to do this for various reasons. I am my boys' instructor, for better or worse. Fortunately, as a schoolteacher, I have a great job which allows me plenty of time to work/play/experience life with them. In fact, this is the primary reason I became a teacher. The bank statements would say it was a bad decision, but I wouldn't change it

Am curious how many of you also are/were the largest, or sole, contributor to your son's baseball development? I feel badly sometimes, especially when my kids overhear that so-and-so is off again to Florida for private, professional training. I know that everyone has their own path to follow and we all do what we can. Anybody?
"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."