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What age is your son and do they play other sports?  Mine is 17 and did during HS season until soph yr.  Have you had kids miss travel team summer games due to other sports?  I can see some issues w overlap in HS in fall  but  want to hear opinions on kids who leave team in lurch due to other sport in Summer.  IMO if your going to play Summer ball be availBle to travel  and be at tourn.  Are there teams out there who  frown upon  kids  who play other sports or practice another sport during summer season?
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My son is a Junior this year. He wrestled and played Baseball. This is not the best combination, other kids were starting to get into Baseball form while he was cutting weight and hitting the Mat. He has always done very well at wrestling so he usually wrestled into March.

In HS his coach was always understanding and allowed him to try out later than the others. He had a shorter time to prove him self but he made the cut. He no longer plays for his HS team but continued to play summer ball up until this last summer. There were conflicts with wrestling, but we were up front with the team and let them know the couple of weekends he would not be available. The coach was understanding and kept him on the team anyway. The key here is we were up front and let them know before he committed.

If the coach knows he is going to be gone some weekends and tournaments and weekends, I do not see a problem with it. The coach should be prepared for the weeks they are missing.

All sports are getting to be year round and I encourage kids to play other sports.

My son is 15YO, and up until now he has always played basketball along with baseball; basketball consisted of travel team, MS team and HS team his freshman year. This year he has told me he no longer wants to play basketball for the HS, and is looking to concentrate on baseball. It's his decision, though I have told him I think basketball gives him some great conditioning. 


We'll see. 

Son is a freshman.  Throughout the summer both football and basketball had several "non-mandatory" practices, scrimmages, etc.  Even though they were non-mandatory, coaches said kids must be there and made them sign in.  Son spoke with coaches and let them know about his summer baseball schedule and they were understanding and just asked him to make it when he could.  He did not miss any baseball events and went to other sporting events that did not interfere with baseball.  He tries to give whatever sport is in season 100% and the other sports get time when available.  I understand this may change as he gets older, but we are happy that they're not trying to force kids into playing one sport year round yet.


However, different coaches at different schools have different opinions on this.  Another boy on his baseball team (attending a different high school) was told by his basketball coach that if he didn't make all non-mandatory events during the summer, he shouldn't bother trying out for the team.  Hopefully this coach is in the minority and most coaches are encouraging other activities.

My son plays varsity baseball and soccer.  He doesn't play any soccer in the summer....only travel baseball, even though he could probably make it to some of the soccer stuff.  Didn't seem to hurt him, as he is starting on the soccer team....though I did notice he was maybe not quite in "soccer shape" at the start of the season.  He'll probably work out a little more next summer before soccer season starts up. 

My son turned 16 yesterday, until starting high school he played baseball, basketball, football, and swam.  In high school swimming interferes with one of his other sports so he swims for conditioning and competes in three sports; football, basketball, and baseball.  This fall he plays on his sophmore football team (nose tackle, defensive end, and H-back), has recently started playing on the JV team (NT, DE), and suits up for the Varsity games.  In addition he works out a couple of days per week for basketball (the next season) and plays fall baseball on Sunday's (catching, pitching, and anything else that's needed).  In a month, as football finishes up, he'll be actively engaged in basketball, train some for baseball (mostly batting cage work and catching), and work on his band auditions (competative placement).  Of course he'll still do some football work (long snapping) and he'll go through 4 weeks of heavy lifting prior to basketball seasons conference games.  As December rolls around, he'll be in full basketball mode and will start pitching again.  Sundays will be baseball from 7:30am until 1-2pm.  He'll have a bit of a conflict between jazz band rehersals and basketball practice but he'll work it out with the coaches and band directors - it helps that he always works very hard at both.  As basketball wraps up, baseball work will take precedence.  He'll play some AAU basketball in the spring season when he can fit it in (he has a good team that keeps him on the roster even though he only makes 1/2 the tournaments).  HS baseball will finish up and he'll start up with the summer team.  Of course, summer is for lifting and he'll be training at the high school with every other varsity player (all sports mens/womens are expected to participate in the school's summer SAC training) 2-3 hours per day.  His time starts at 7am (linemen), he finishes up by 10am and then works on skills (basketball, football, baseball) until noon or so with his friends.  Of course there will a couple of football camps but those rarely interfere with summer ball.  Then the cycle starts again.  He hasn't had an offseason since 5th grade but he loves it.  Through it all he still has band, lot's of fund raisers for every sport, and keeping his grades up (he's in Honors and AP courses).

Son is a high school senior and has always played football and baseball. During youth ball, his travel team had several soccer players and a couple of football players. So, we played fall ball on the weekends and didn't practice during the fall. It was more of fun thing to stay ready for the spring.


He is now on a showcase team and it is difficult for him to make baseball practice during football season. If we have an early game on Saturday that is several hours away, he can't make the first baseball game of the weekend. So, there are difficulties and barriers to doing this. But hey, he's always played football and it's his senior season.


Now for the flip side.... he is an offensive lineman and needs to keep his weight up for football, even though he will play his last football game in high school. This has NOT been a good thing baseball wise. Heavier kids who don't have the typical baseball body, combined with slow 60 times aren't exactly the darling of the recruiters. Also, there is going to be banging and bruising associated with most any position, stiff necks, sore this and that, achy knees, etc.... that make it hard to go and perform on the baseball field Saturday morning after a Friday night game.


If you're a speedy RB/WR/DB or athletic QB and love football, go ahead and play and take your chances on injury. If you're fast and a good baseball player, it will probably look good that you play two sports. If you're a bigger, slower lineman, it probably doesn't help.


My son started out in soccer as a youngster and moved to football. Baseball wise, he should have stuck with soccer. He would be leaner, faster, and more athletic, though not as big and strong.


And this may or may not be important. After a football game, win or lose, the players like to go out together and hang out at the local drive-in restaurant with their schoolmates. Or get together at someone's house and watch the local football highlights on t.v. But if you have a baseball game early the next morning, you have to come home and go to bed.




My son played soccer, basketball and baseball in high school. That is until the varsity basketball coach got tired of him missing most of the off season "optional" workouts and not playing in a summer league. My son was the starting point guard on the freshman team. It appeared obvious he would be the point guard on the JV team soph year and start varsity junior year. The basketball coach didn't like his players playing other sports and missing workouts. 


I ran into the coach in the grocery store the evening after my son was cut. He's a friend. Without being upset I asked about his decision process. He said my son was already a varsity soccer player and destined to be a varsity baseball player in the spring. The coach decided my son didn't have time for basketball. The previous year my son attended 5:45 am baseball workouts and basketball practice after school.


In the fall all through high school he played high school soccer and fall ball. There were times he went from a soccer practice or game straight to baseball practice, didn't eat dinner and start homework until 9 pm.


In the summer he attended goalie camp for two weeks Monday through Friday all day then had baseball practice or scout league games in the evening.


Getting cut from basketball worked out well from a baseball perspective. It allowed him to work out and gain bulk over the winter rather than losing weight playing basketball. 


A decision my son made for himself heading into high school was to stop playing football. He found the banging on Friday made it difficult to play baseball on the weekends, One weekend he couldn't grip the bat. He bunted for hits all weekend.  


The soccer coach didn't like my son not playing summer travel. When hassled my son would smile and say, "Playing goalie is just like baseball. Outside the eighteen yard line is like playing short. Inside is like playing third. Corner kicks are like popups with interference." 

My 2014 plays HS basketball as well as baseball. During summer (June and early July) basketball had a lot of conditioning and summer league games and one away weekend for team bonding. Before his sophomore year (made varsity but was in a limited role), he and I approached HS basketball coach and talked to him about summer season coming up. Basically we talked about baseball was his first sport and during summer he would be at everything he could as long as it didn't interfere with baseball.


Coach understood and supported Jeremy. asked him to be at whatever he could.  Just so happened that team bonding weekend, baseball team took off so he went to that. Along with any summer league games  not on baseball nights. As a junior he was named team captain of baskeball and is the point guard. Had a good season.


This season was different. Summer baseball team played every weekend, practiced or played Tuesdays, Tournaments started on Thursday thru Sundays. We knew this was the time for him with recruiting. We talked to basketball coach about that and he was totally supportive again. He went on monday's and wednesday to whatever they had. Did miss one Tuesday of baseball because that coach (knowing his basketball- baseball situation) told him he was gonna sit that night to give others playing time and to go to basketball.


I don't know if this is the norm or not. But I do think being upfront with HS basketball coach and keepin him informed was the key to doing both.

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