No doubt about it....over da head, here.
Statistics are used to analyse all sports, contrary to the belief that baseball and all sports are used to analyse statistics.
"Standard" baseball statistics does not consider game situations. For example: A walk with bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth with the game on the line is more important than a HR in the bottom of the 9th with the home team down 10-0.
May I suggest a few of the many books for research:
(just tuck them under the pillow.)
J. Albert, J Bennett & JJ Cochran: Anthology of Statistics in Sports. ISBN 0-89871-587-3
H K Lee, Bayesian nonparametrics via Neural Networks
T. W O'Gorman, Applied Adaptive Statistical Methods: Tests of Significant and Confidence Intervals
R Barlow, Engineering Reliability
B James, J. Albert, H Stern. Answering Questions about Baseball Using Statistics
H Stern,. Brownian Motion Model for the Progress of Sports Scores
S M Berry. Drive for Show and Putt for Dough
R Hooke. Null Hypothesis
Journal of American Statstical Association
M Schell. Baseball All-Time Best Hitters
J Simonoff. Move over, Roger Maris: Breaking baseball's most famous record.
many others
Should you be interested in Stats for other sports (i.e. Football, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Tennis, Golf, Track, Triathlons, So((er, Darts, me to collaborate!