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TOL, Driller Man posted 267 times during his first month. That would be considered a little excessive. Now if he had actually had something to say, then it would be different.

However, most posts were short responses or irrelevent pics. As he stated himself, he was just trying to achieve Old Timers status. Most would agree that during the process of achieving that status, that you should actually contribute information or knowledge to the site. Just my 2 cents.
I'm not sure what's going on here. Ive been out of the loop for a couple of days, it's kind of ridiculous. I'm just on here having fun shooting the bull talking about life and baseball. This message board should be for fun and good baseball information! I've done no harm to anyone here and I'm sorry if maybe I've offended anyone in any way, because that is not my intentions at all! I have never claimed to be all knowing of the great game of baseball. There are many people on here that know far more than I! But I do not understand the constant bashing! Why someone would post some of the things I'm seeing makes no sense to me. I do love the great game of baseball! I have four sons that play, ages range from 8 to 20 years old and I have coached and managed teams for 15 years.
I just wish the bashing would stop guys. I would appreciate it if we could all just share this great forum together! Like I said it's a great place to talk about baseball, life, and just have a little fun!
Last edited by Driller Man

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