You guys bring up great points, but I think we may be on different wave lengths. My biggest problem and concern isnt with the condition of these kids getting hurt, its the fact that kids 12 -16 are throwing on 3 days rest, and for what? For a pony league title? Is it worth having a kid thats 14 and could have a great varsity career throw over 90 pitches? No its not, there is no reason that any one under the varsity level should throw over 60 pitches, and if they do throw more, they should move up gradually 60...65...70 and so on to condition their arm. What happens is coaches get desperate, and the kids feel the aftermath of that a year, two years, 5 years later when they have to have TJ. Now i know that not everyone has the kid of future Kerry Wood did, but he threw a double header, both games over 100 pitches...for a high school title? Well he paid the price because his coach got desperate and didnt entrust in his team, and used and abused a player that now has lost almost 2 years to recovering from TJ, and finally is where he should have been a few years back. Now again, I know that the avgerage player doesnt have that opportunity, but it doesnt matter,the pros, d1-d3, juco naia, a kid shouldnt have to pay the price for bad coaching. Guys i know that had TJ where in great shape, lifted, played catch, ran after....the works...but there was nothing they could do. Yes the early signs are something like tendanitus, but with the labrum, they cant do anything until its fully torn. So you have signs and symptoms, and you try to rehab it, and make it stronger, but 3 months later you still cant throw pain free, so your left with losing 12-16 months of your baseball life. In my many talks with a MLB GM, he has told me that almost every young prospect they kid, if they have ANY signs of needing TJ, they send him in and get it over with. I have been doing camps for the midwest baseball academy, and I have seen some very dishartening things..Parents telling little jonny, who is 12, to throw more curve balls, then being confronted and asked why I told their son that he is to young for that, espeically when they arch there back and use all arm...i really just want to give them Toninos card and say "call this guy in a few years" I just dont see the reasoning, its not about innings, its about pitches. That cant be stressed enough, enough the finest conditioned athlete, is prone to something like this. What the hell are you playing for at ages 12-16...isnt the point to develop players? Not to put all consideration aside so you can put a trophy in your living room? Now i know that for every bad coach, that does this, there are 4 good ones that really care about the players. I have seen it to many times, friends, teammates, players that were abused as young kids, and they paid the consequences, well the coaches never changed...The player is stuck battling for 12-16 months, just to get back, and I have seen how mentally detramental it is, and its just not right. Little joeys got a good duece, let him throw 80 percent of his pitches that way. A good example I have now, is a coach that wants a kid that is going on to college to catch, to do both pitch and catch this year, his sr year of hs, and doesnt get why the kid is objected to it...How does a guy like that get a job at a high school as a head coach? When a 17 year old kid knows that doing that may be the worst thing possible, and a 47 year old adult doesnt. Again, I have a biast because I have seen this stuff to many win little league? what do you win? is it worth little bobby pitching 3 games a week? Is it worth having a freshmen throw 100 pitches? Now please realize these views are from my personal experiences, and I am understanding that this doesnt happen everywhere
Bill Dwoinen Jr
Assistant Coach Melrose Indians Baseball