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About a year ago I had a very serious surgery that required pain killers as I recovered. I was very wary of these pain killers. However, I had to take them according to my doctor. The day my doctor said I did not need to take them anymore, I stopped right then. To say the least, I was very sick for the next week or so as comming off this medicine and the mild adiction that it created was very difficult.

I do understand what Jeff Allison went through. Jeff Allison played with us and I know him well enough to know that he would not intentionally put himself in this situation. Unless you have experienced what pain killers can do you do not understand.

I truly wish Jeff and his family the best in his recovery and his future in baseball. He was a very special talent. I hope to see that special talent again on the bump doing what he does best.

As for people here that pre-judge others (ie Pic) without actually knowing the person or events involved, well...lets hope that when a college coach is interested in your son, he does not pre-judge your kid because he knows your his parent.

Good Luck Jeff....
Last edited by Tfusa20

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