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I love to watch good pitching and Lincecum is about the best in the business right now. Why is he so good? I believe it is because of his deception. We could all take a lesson off of him. Watching him pitch is fun- you never know what he is throwing until the ball has almost reached the plate. Sometimes you have to look at the radar gun just to know what he was throwing. The difference between his fastball of 91-94 and his CU of 84-87 is so minute I think even the batters are mystified at his ability. And yet, it is not that he is magical, he just rides the magic threshold of maximum CU velocity- thats what makes him so good!

The old addage of "10 mph difference" may be on its way out.
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TR- Did you read his post. He says "about the best". You're an east coast guy- thus, Halladay. Instead of starting a ****ing contest on who is better (and that's exactly where it would have gone), why don't you comment on what makes Lincecum SO good. After all, he's won two Cy Young's in a row!

My answer is because he has three pitches minimum that are all "out pitches". They all come out of the same slot, they all have amazing movement, and you can't sit on one because he can throw all of them for a strike at any count.
Lincecum is as good as he is because he pitches with momentum and does not just throw the ball up there as most of the other air headed throwers do, I say air headed because the consistent thinking mentality is not there within the majority of his counter parts, why, because, hitting is all about balance and timing, and pitching is also all about balance and timing and most importantly is about destroying a batters balance and timing, doing his home work between innings with his catcher, not throwing the same pitch in the same area time after time, which is the reason for the large number of home runs etc. up to this period of time in the season.
Lincecum pitches like pitching should be done with his whole body from the ground up in a side ways rear foot, rear leg and rear hip driven forward movement to front foot touch down with a stride of at least matching one's body height, His stride is 110 to 120 percent of his height with absolutely no body rotation down to this point with triple extension,lower body,"HIPS,""UPPER TORSO","SHOULDERS,"separation then letting his "HIPS"first lead the way with his shoulders following split secondly at point of front foot touch down then following on through into hopefully a good flat back fielding position letting the arm come on down and stay down momentarily to enable it and the other body parts effected by the throwing movement to alleviate the enormous tension, strain and abuse created on the arm during the throwing movement and to relax and recover for it's next pitching sequences.

He lets his body do the work from the ground up instead of just his arm only, while his arm goes along for the ride doing only what is necessary for it to do.

Triple extension, lower body,"HIPS" and upper torso,"SHOULDERS" are of the utmost importance of letting the whole body instead of the arm doing the work.
I feel that, not to carbon copy but there many ingredients in his repertoire that can be successfully inserted into the repertoire of most pitchers, especially the momentum and whole body work from the ground up as I mentioned above which definitely in my opinion and through my experiences must be "TAUGHT BY AN EXPERIENCED, KNOWLEDGEABLE PITCHING "TEACHER" WHO IS THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH THOSE PITCHING MOVEMENTS AND THE THEORY BEHIND THEM, NOT BY SOME ORDINARY COACH.
I view pitcher after pitcher here in Springfield, Mo. from all leagues and age groups who throw with their arms only and could certainly save their arms from the many chronic sore arms and various surgeries of which we have our unnecessary share of here by learning how to and to implement these pitching methods into their pitching repertoire's.

I have a friend who lives in Louisiana who blew his shoulder out, was told to not to throw any more who through these above pitching methods, an excellent Dr. who is an ex- major league pitcher and pitching coach along with an excellent Olympic lifting teacher completely rehabilitated his operated on arm, played some professional ball and still pitches summer ball.
I also rehabilitated my shoulder but in a different way than Brent did.
If I can be of any help feel free to contact me.
I rest my case.

Don Ervin

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