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My son was at a recent showcase/camp and one of the stations that they were evaluated on was the broad jump. ( measured on a basketball court )

I was just curious as to why the broad jump?
What do you think the coaches were looking for?
All I can think of is perhaps it is somehow related to stealing bases. (?)

I have seen the broad jump tested, along with the vertical, at football combines, but haven't seen it used at a baseball showcase.

It got me curious and I figured that someone here on the HSBBW would have the answer. Smile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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TR in all honesty I cannot see a real connection to a baseball specific activity. I put pitching and basestealing as a stretch to try and justify it.

I think it is a good test to determine explosive power out of the legs but in the baseball world the only time you really need it is when an IF has to jump to catch a linedrive.

I guess what I was saying if you go with the drop and drive theory of pitching then you can make a small comparison to that explosive power.

Then again I could be totally thinking of the wrong thing with the broad jump?????
The broad jump has very little to do with baseball. However it can show athletic ability. Athletic ability is important in every sport including baseball. So in a small way I can understand why someone might test that.

A good long jump wouldn't really be a determining factor but still interesting if added to everything else. Kind of like if a player had a 40 inch vertical jump. It don't mean he can play baseball at a high level, but it does mean he has some rare natural athletic ability. If most other things are close to equal... pick the best athlete because he probably has the highest ceiling.

Always been a big believer in the more information you have the better. Don't think the broad jump is extremely important, but it is a bit more information. Not sure how much that info would help, but can't see how it could hurt.
It has to do with teams exploring aggressive preventative techniques, unique ideas on conditioning, and giving the players enough physical challenges to keep him busy. Lets be honest players get bored with just weight lifting and running. The Diamondbacks have started doing this kinda of stuff with their players and jumping is how Chris Young hurt himself.
At some point it becomes too much information and there's the danger of focusing on things that don't really count. Running speed, arm strength, hitting for average, hitting for power and fielding are pretty much it when it comes to baseball other than the intangibles which show up in games and not in SPARQ testing where technique can have a significant impact on scores just like it could with the broad jump.

The really great baseball athletes are going to stand out with their 60 times, home to first times, throwing velocities and power. I think the chances of a broad jump distance or SPARQ score changing that are pretty slim.

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