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There is an element of subjectiveness concerning PB or WP. If the catcher can "reasonably" be expected to catch the ball but doesn't, PB. While we expect our catchers to block balls in the dirt, if they don't it is considered a WP. The scorekeeper/statistician is the arbritor of the location of the pitch and whether or not the catcher could reasonably be expected to catch it.
Flintoid is correct but I might add. Rule of thumb...If it is the pitcher pitches the ball in a manner that creates a mishandling of the ball by the catcher and it allows a runner(s) to advance, it is a Wild Pitch. If it is solely the catchers mishandling of the pitch that allows the runner to advance it is a Passed Ball. No error is charged in either case. A passed ball that results in a score that would not have scored without the passed ball is an unearned run whereas a run that results from a wild pitch is an earned run for which the pitcher is held accountable.
From the official rules:
A wild pitch shall be charged when a legally delivered ball is so high, or so wide, or so low that the catcher does not stop and control the ball by ordinary effort, thereby permitting a runner or runners to advance. (1) A wild pitch shall be charged when a legally delivered ball touches the ground before reaching home plate and is not handled by the catcher, permitting a runner or runners to advance. (b) A catcher shall be charged with a passed ball when he fails to hold or to control a legally pitched ball which should have been held or controlled with ordinary effort, thereby permitting a runner or runners to advance.


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