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Its been a long time comin' 2010 son injured mid-season his senior year and in the midst of having a good year he was done for the season. Lots of expense...MRI, doctors appts., braces, etc, vigorous re-hab and he gets back on the daimond in June, only to re-injure the offending joint in July. Surgery to repair...(more expenses and more rehab).... and he's off to college where he gets on the diamond for the last two scrimmages of fall ball (1-3 with 4 walks). Now its been lifing, long toss, and drills...... The offending joint is feelin' great and no concerns from any doc, should be @ 100% by the end of the month. He's very excited to begin his first year of AZ Jr College ball. So is Dad!! C'mon....let's get this party starrrrtedddd!

Most important piece...he finished the first semester with straight A's.
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Is this the gimp section? My son is coming off an MCL and PCL tear followed by shoulder separation surgery. He's been out since the beginning of last June. He's hoping to be ready to DH opening day in March. No throwing until May. He finds out of the sling gets tossed, err, gently disposed on Monday.

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