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I believe we are going to see a strong Salem team again in 2010. 2009 was a tough year with 13 Seniors graduating from the 2008 roster, however it gave some young guys the chance to develop and play against some of the top teams in the State where in past years that opportunity was not there. Questions:
1. Does Salem have a #2 to pitch behind Poore and is there a #3 in their system? Not to mention someone out of the pen.

2. Offense, they were limited this year in terms of offense. They will need some solid bats.

I think they solve these issue or already have and Salem is a threat again to be in the top 4 competing for the State Title.
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Actually didn't they make the kids in Nashua play for their new school. Kids who played for one or two years as Panthers had to go be Titans for their final year(s). I thought that there was a big stink about it, especially the basketball program. for the first year or two they competed as one school as they were fixing up South after North had been built and weren't using all of South. Had Seniors at one school and Sophomores and Juniors at the other school. Once North opened officially and the schools split the athletes had to go play for their respective school. I believe that occurred in 2005 when the high schools officially opened and expanded to include Freshman.
I can understand why Class L wouldn't go to that system as most of the schools are within an hour or so from each other. They don't have the travel issue that the other classes have. There is no reason that the program can't work for all the other classes excluding class L. I may be wrong but aren't most of the class L teams kind of within a triangle from Concord to Keene to Salem?
We had heal points in Maine when I was in high school.

I don't think any really knew how they worked but you get more heal points depending on the quality of the teams you play. You kind of get points for the wins of the teams you have beaten and the teams they have beaten.

So if you have a win over a team , and they knocked off one of the top teams that win all of a sudden becomes worth more heal points to you.

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