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Originally Posted by PGStaff:

If you can hit and hit with power scouts will like you.  Similar to a pitcher with bad mechanics throwing 100mph.


Now they will report on your mechanics and in time someone might want to change what you are doing.  But one of the best hitters I ever saw started his swing from a hands still position.  While this is unusual there are actually some benefits that involve timing and plate coverage.


If you are a good hitter by doing what feels most natural to you, keep doing it until you need to make an adjustment.  However, there are certain things that are best changed early on even if you are hitting well, because they simply won't work at a higher level. I wouldn't necessarily say still hands is one of those things.


My guess is you're keeping your hands very loose, wiggling your fingers, anyway that is what most still hands hitters do. And obviously most great hitters have movement and rhythm to their swing. Mark McGwire, think what you want, is fast becoming one of the best hitting coaches in baseball. Doesn't surprise me because he had what I would consider the perfect swing.  Not many paid much attention because he was just known as a big strong power guy. But look at his swing if you can find video.

I don't keep my hands very loose, I keep my hands pretty tight, but what I do is keep my wrist as tight as I can too keep from rolling my hands over in the swing.

Originally Posted by PGStaff:

If you can hit and hit with power scouts will like you.  Similar to a pitcher with bad mechanics throwing 100mph.


Now they will report on your mechanics and in time someone might want to change what you are doing.  But one of the best hitters I ever saw started his swing from a hands still position.  While this is unusual there are actually some benefits that involve timing and plate coverage.


If you are a good hitter by doing what feels most natural to you, keep doing it until you need to make an adjustment.  However, there are certain things that are best changed early on even if you are hitting well, because they simply won't work at a higher level. I wouldn't necessarily say still hands is one of those things.


My guess is you're keeping your hands very loose, wiggling your fingers, anyway that is what most still hands hitters do. And obviously most great hitters have movement and rhythm to their swing. Mark McGwire, think what you want, is fast becoming one of the best hitting coaches in baseball. Doesn't surprise me because he had what I would consider the perfect swing.  Not many paid much attention because he was just known as a big strong power guy. But look at his swing if you can find video.

What I liked about McGwire was his focus.  He looke so determined and so locked in.  He was amazing to watch!

Originally Posted by floridafan:
Originally Posted by Everyday Dad:

Albert Pujos was as still as they come

Albert Pujols would tilt his clubhead forward as a trigger when he started his swing. The movement does not need to be obvious, but inertia is not a positive where a baseball swing is concerned.


Just think the OP is confused on your advice a bit. I think it should be explained that the inertia theory to have movement already moving forward, rather than starting from a complete stop is what you are meaning. Which of course makes complete sense

And if as you say, scouts are cognizant of it, well then he should heed this advice



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