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With the University of Arkansas seeking a waiver so that Michigan QB Transfer Ryan Mallett does not have to sit a year will the tide turn regarding player tranfers when a coach leaves or retires?

This could set a precedent
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It seems fair to me. If the coach goes mid contract let the players go at the same time. It would make Universities much less likely to let the coach talk with other schools and hold the coaches more accountable for their actions. Of course it would also give the coaches more bargaining power in contract negotiations. Now when a coach leaves the conversation would be, who is he taking with him? Lots of fodder for message boards and the coaches would have to continue to recruit their own kids all year. Kids getting bumped off the team by the new coaches kids. Or maybe the kids would have to sign a NLI along with a personal services contract or employee contract with the University to play. But in right to work states they wouldn't hold any power.

Lots of turmoil and interesting scenarios!
First, he's going to be getting a full ride while he sits, so we can't compare it to baseball unfairness. Let 'em sit.

Second, have you ever heard this guy? He and Jimmy Clausen of Notre Dame honestly believe the world revolves around them.

I have come full circle on the sit rule for baseball. Now that I have learned more about it and how players are literally poached by other programs during summer ball, I understand it. I think if we wanted to point a finger at anyone for the sit rule, look to the coaching staffs that benefitted the most from the transfers.
Last edited by CPLZ
He will still be getting school paid for on a full ride while he sits...let him sit.

1. I don't see any unfairness as long as the player is having college paid for.

2. What's to prevent a school from hiring a coach away so that he can bring all his talent with him if the players from his old school can transfer and play immediately? It opens up a whole can of worms about being able to not only hire a coach, but poach his star players from another college.
Last edited by CPLZ
I would be shocked if the NCAA grants the waiver regardless of the reason.
We had a situation down here a few years ago, UM football. The player wanted out and not sit and the NCAA said no way, you are sitting. I think that he headed to a JUCO, D2 ? school before he went to the D1. There are ways you can get around it.

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