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It's a good first step though the request for proposal does state the school is just "exploring" the possibility of joining the NJCAA:

"The College seeks to create a mascot that will embody the JSRCC brand and bring that brand to life. Reynolds is exploring entry into the National Junior College Athletics Association and considering the creation of sports teams (beyond current intramural and club sports). However, it is currently not known if the College will formally participate in NJCAA and use the mascot for purposes of a formalized athletic program. Regardless, Reynolds seeks to embrace the personality of a mascot and use it as a tool for community engagement, increased awareness, and to build college pride among students, alumni, donors, and employees. It will be incorporated into recreational sports and student life activities."

Currently the closest JUCO baseball team to us is RCC (Warsaw/Tappahannock) which my son's JUCO baseball team (Patrick Henry CC - Martinsville) is scheduled to play there this spring. At least we won't have to travel 5 hours to see him play.
They can 'explore' all they want and dink around trying out a club team or whatever, but the key to the whole thing is whether or not the President wants to have a team or not. If he says do it then it's done and if he is on the fence and doesn't care one way or the other, then they will continue 'exploring' for years.

With the potential coaching talent available in Richmond along with the kids, they could be a beast in no time.
I am sure it all comes down to money.

If there were funding, I am sure the JSRCC president would support it.

If there isn't, he won't -- he can't.

The question is, are there donors out there ready to step up? Because there's no way any government entity is going to pay for this.

It'd be neat to see them maybe work with Henrico County to upgrade the park at RF&P as a home field. That's probably the least expensive route, and Henrico might appreciate the help with upkeep expenses there. All you really need to do is move back the scoreboard/light stanchions/fences and you're there.

But with PHCC and RCC already having teams -- and I think Blue Ridge CC may have one as well -- there should be a lot of data available on what you would need for an annual budget.

I do agree, there's a lot of unserved talent in the area, and having this option might well encourage some of them to further their educations more so than they are now. (That is, assuming Henrico and the rest don't start kicking them out of baseball in the 9th grade.) There is also no shortage of qualified people who would love to coach in such a program.
Last edited by Midlo Dad
RF&P would be a great home field for JSRCC if they had a team.

But I'm under the impression that the fences are where they are because they are up against a wetlands area. So might not be able to move them.

JSRCC would be very competitive in any number of sports very quickly. But I'd have to bet that basketball would be the easiest to start. Rosters are small. Equipment is minimal.

I could name 5 over qualified guys right now that would love to coach a JSRCC baseball team. I hope it happens.

When I was teaching at Hermitage I had a ton of students go to JSRCC. They have a deal with the state schools that allow guaranteed acceptance assuming the student hits certain marks... I think they have to take either 12 or 15 credits and maintain either a 3 or 3.5 for 2 years. The opportunity is huge to live at home. Get 2 years under your belt then transfer to one of the best schools in the state.


Currently the closest JUCO baseball team to us is RCC (Warsaw/Tappahannock) which my son's JUCO baseball team (Patrick Henry CC - Martinsville) is scheduled to play there this spring. At least we won't have to travel 5 hours to see him play.

Thomas Nelson CC in Hampton/Newport News has a baseball team, too.
Last edited by keewart
Originally posted by PIS:
When I was teaching at Hermitage I had a ton of students go to JSRCC. They have a deal with the state schools that allow guaranteed acceptance assuming the student hits certain marks... I think they have to take either 12 or 15 credits and maintain either a 3 or 3.5 for 2 years. The opportunity is huge to live at home. Get 2 years under your belt then transfer to one of the best schools in the state.


As I understand it all junior/community colleges that are part of the VSCC program have this "deal". My 2nd oldest daughter earned her Associates Degree at Germanna Community College. So long as all her grades were "C" or better, she would be automatically accepted to any state university and all her credits transferred. She is currently a senior at ODU in Norfolk - taking 18 credits this spring and 6 this summer to get her degree by August. The big advantage is you save big $$$ going to a CC for a few years.

PHCC has several well established sports programs - baseball, softball, men & women's basketball and golf. They just started men and women's s****r this year. Currently they are a DII JUCO, but according to some of the parents we talked to they are considering moving up to D1 JUCO. According to my son PHCC uses its sports programs to attract students to the college - a good portion of students are there due to sports. And PHCC is out in the middle of no where (Martinsville). I imagine JSRCC could use sports programs to attract students in a similar manner. Given they are closer to a major metropolitan area I think they could be successful in attracting such students.
The money is there. If PHCC with only 2500 FTE's and the most dismal economy in the state can have 6 teams and be looking to add more, then surely JSRCC with 8700 FTE's can find enough cash to fund a couple of teams. Wytheville CC, Central VA CC, and New River CC have also recently joined the NJCAA and they also have about a quarter of the enrollment of JSRCC. And Danville has a 60 game baseball schedule with about 2600 FTE's. I'm no expert but I believe that state funds cannot be used but local funds can along with a piece of student activity fees and foundation money which is the key to the start of it. The President can 'ask' the foundation for the money to get it started then get the right people to ask for money and host golf tournaments and stuff like that.

I hope they get it going as it would be nice to have a North division in Region 10 and get Raphhanock in so interest and options for the kids would increase.

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