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People here in KC are not happy with the NFL's decision to move the Chief's football game to Friday night. If you put aside all the competitive reasons for choosing a game location (home field adavantage, revenue, etc), how can anyone justify holding this event in Florida tonight, or any time this weekend? Haven't we learned that an evacuation needs to be taken seriously?
Let's fly a whole team into Florida on Friday morning, make them play that same night, then fly them out right after the game. Lets create the traffic and security issues involved with an NFL game right in the middle of hurricane preparations. Let's bring fans, players, stadium employees and security to the stadium, who should all have more pressing things to do right now.
Ticket holders are having to choose between losing their money (and it ain't cheap to go to an NFL game) and preparing for a large hurricane. Employees who need the paycheck they earn working concessions are having to choose between showing up for work and preparing the safety of their home and family.
KC offered to move the game here and the staff at Arrowhead even spent Wed. and Thurs. preparing for that possibility. I heard that moving the game to the Panther's stadium this weekend was condsidered (its available). There seem to be options which would have been intelligent, even if they would have affected revenue. This appears to be a bad call by the NFL.
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That is really something else, who can ever figure out the NFL? noidea

The way I look at the way the Dolphin season is going, it doesn't matter where or when the play Frown

The weather is pretty crummy here as it is. The way they are calling it here, better to have a game then no game. Our real threat won't come before sunday or monday, life is as usual here in South Florida...for now.

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